Showing posts with label world newsReuters: World News. Show all posts
Confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in Panama reached 22,597 on Wednesday, up 635 from the previous...
Panama reports 635 new coronavirus cases, 13 more deaths
Peru topped 240,000 total cases of coronavirus on Wednesday, surpassing hard-hit Italy, government data...
Peru overtakes Italy in total cases of coronavirus
The U.S. government on Wednesday issued a warning about the threat posed by pirates to boats and oil...
U.S. warns of pirates in southern Gulf of Mexico
The Canadian province of Alberta will study replacing the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) with a provincial...
Canadian province Alberta to study forming own pension plan, police force
The Eiffel Tower is preparing to welcome back visitors after the COVID-19 lockdown, but they will need...
Eiffel Tower to re-open - but you will have to take the stairs
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ramped up verbal attacks on Spain's Iberdrola on Wednesday,...
Mexico's president accuses Spain's Iberdrola of 'hidden' media attack
Turkey's Defence Ministry said its warplanes struck Kurdish militant targets in northern Iraq's Haftanin...
Turkish warplanes strike Kurdish targets in northern Iraq
North Korea said on Wednesday it had rejected South Korea's offer to send special envoys to ease escalating...
North Korea rejects South's offer of envoys, vows to redeploy troops to border
Some villagers in the eastern Amazon are spurning Brazilian government advice to take the malaria drug...
Some Amazon villagers eschew drugs for COVID-19, take 'toothache plant' herbal tea
Seven years ago, Dharamveer Solanki, a Hindu, left his home in Pakistan’s Hyderabad city, never to return....
Living on the edge, Pakistani Hindus still feel safer in India
Brazil's top court on Tuesday granted police permission to inspect financial and phone records of federal...
Brazil court allows police to access Bolsonaro allies' phone, bank records
The United States and China will each allow four weekly flights between the two countries, the U.S....
U.S., China to each allow four weekly flights for airlines; Delta to fly next week
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said on Monday that the country's military would not obey any order...