Archive for January 2020
Singing patriotic songs and waving Union Jacks, thousands of Britons flocked to a muddy patch of grass...
'We are free': Flag-waving Britons cheer in Brexit
On the last train to Europe before Britain left the EU on Friday evening, passengers leaving London...
Last train to Europe: all aboard the Eurostar as Britain bids goodbye
Nicaragua's best known former political prisoner, Amaya Coppens, is calling for international organizations...
Former Belgian-Nicaraguan political prisoner calls for probe into Ortega government
President Donald Trump on Friday relaxed Obama-era restrictions on the U.S. military's use of anti-personnel...
Trump eases restrictions on land mine use by U.S. military
China's Hubei province, the epicentre of a coronavirus epidemic, reported 45 new deaths from the outbreak...
China's Hubei reports 45 new coronavirus deaths, total at 249
Reuters) - The Trump administration, while insisting the risk to Americans from coronavirus is low,...
U.S. declares coronavirus public health emergency after imposing quarantines
The United Kingdom finally cast off from the European Union on Friday for an uncertain Brexit future,...
Britain Brexits - United Kingdom leaves the European Union
Airlines are suspending flights to China in the wake of the new coronavirus outbreak, which as of Friday...
Airlines suspend China flights because of coronavirus outbreak
Some companies have warned that a coronavirus outbreak in China that has killed more than 200 people...
Companies feel impact of coronavirus outbreak in China
U.S. President Donald Trump will issue an expanded version of his travel ban on Friday that targets...
Trump's expanded travel ban targets Nigeria, five other countries
Prime Minister Boris Johnson will hail Brexit day on Friday as "the dawn of a new era" and pledge to...
'Dawn of a new era': UK's Johnson 'respectfully' marks Brexit day
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is preparing to impose full customs and border checks on all European...
UK's Johnson plans full customs and border checks on EU goods: Telegraph
Landlocked Paraguay said on Friday that it had suspended indefinitely issuance of visas to people traveling...