Archive for January 2021
Saba Sahar: 'I survived a Taliban assassination attempt'
Afghan film director Saba Sahar is one of the...
Saba Sahar: 'I survived a Taliban assassination attempt'
Clare Smyth: UK's first female chef with three Michelin stars
Northern Irish chef Clare Smyth is the...
Clare Smyth: UK's first female chef with three Michelin stars
Impostor syndrome: 'I feel like I don't deserve my success'
An influencer and a corporate professional...
Impostor syndrome: 'I feel like I don't deserve my success'
Life in a Day: Kevin Macdonald says film 'reinforces everyone's similarities'
Kevin Macdonald's documentary...
Life in a Day: Kevin Macdonald says film 'reinforces everyone's similarities'
Music festivals and Covid: Could some events still go ahead this year?
Glastonbury is already cancelled,...
Music festivals and Covid: Could some events still go ahead this year?
Home working increases cyber-security fears
IT experts say that with people working from home the risk...
Home working increases cyber-security fears
Romania's young history fans battle to save imperial spa resort
Volunteers try to breathe new life into...
Romania's young history fans battle to save imperial spa resort
A research group warns the "long-run costs" of the pandemic will hit children disproportionately.
Covid-19 school closures 'could cost pupils £40,000 in lifetime earnings'
The investors that caused GameStop to surge are now turning their attention to silver.
from BBC News...
Silver surges as Reddit army turns to commodities
The CBI employers' group tells the government a post-Covid economic strategy will unlock investment.
Business leaders call for a post-Covid economic roadmap
Afghan film director Saba Sahar is one of the few to survive from a recent wave of targeted killings.
Saba Sahar: 'I survived a Taliban assassination attempt'
Northern Irish chef Clare Smyth is the first female in the UK to be awarded three Michelin stars.
Clare Smyth: UK's first female chef with three Michelin stars
An influencer and a corporate professional from India share their experiences of impostor syndrome.
Impostor syndrome: 'I feel like I don't deserve my success'
Kevin Macdonald's documentary features personal videos from across the world - all shot on the same...
Life in a Day: Kevin Macdonald says film 'reinforces everyone's similarities'
Glastonbury is already cancelled, but MPs are working on how to support the music festival industry.
Music festivals and Covid: Could some events still go ahead this year?
IT experts say that with people working from home the risk of hacking has increased.
from BBC News...
Home working increases cyber-security fears
Volunteers try to breathe new life into a Romanian resort once a playground for European elites.
Romania's young history fans battle to save imperial spa resort
After free reign under President Trump, will the kingdom now be held more to account?
from BBC News...
Saudi human rights under new spotlight in Biden era
Radio 1 Newsbeat speaks to three young people involved in the vaccine rollout.
from BBC News - Home...
'I worked on the vaccine my dad was given'
PM hails "milestone" in the race to vaccinate the most vulnerable, after a record day for UK jabs.
Covid vaccine offered to all care homes in England
A school in the Wirral is helping families struggling to get by during the national lockdown.
The school teachers helping struggling families in Covid lockdown
Monday's front pages feature a "crucial milestone" being hit in care homes as the UK sees a record high...
The Papers: 'Vaccine victory', and Captain Tom in hospital
It has been a month since the rules changed in the UK's relationship with the EU.
from BBC News - Home...
Brexit: How much disruption has there been so far?
Central African Republic's capital in 'apocalyptic situation' as rebels close in
A former prime minister...
Central African Republic's capital in 'apocalyptic situation' as rebels close in
Lebanon ambulance driver: 'Hospitals can't take our Covid patients'
Lebanon's hospitals are turning...
Lebanon ambulance driver: 'Hospitals can't take our Covid patients'
Coronavirus: 'Life will never be the same, for me it's better'
Kellie Larkin has cerebral palsy, is...
Coronavirus: 'Life will never be the same, for me it's better'
Your pictures on the theme of 'winter scenes'
A selection of pictures from our readers on the theme...
Your pictures on the theme of 'winter scenes'
Could a vaccine get rid of malaria for good?
Seventeen-year-old Victoline explores progress to tackle...
Could a vaccine get rid of malaria for good?
UK's first Covid evacuees: 'I wish I'd stayed in Wuhan and missed flight'
Twelve months ago, 83 Britons...
UK's first Covid evacuees: 'I wish I'd stayed in Wuhan and missed flight'
UK Covid deaths: Why the 100,000 toll is so bad
As the number of people who died reaches six figures,...
UK Covid deaths: Why the 100,000 toll is so bad
Proposed changes to the law could allow people to marry in gardens and homes in Wales and England.
Covid: Pandemic 'has highlighted archaic wedding laws'
Already 100,000 people in the UK have died with Covid. This is the story of one of them.
from BBC News...
100,000 Covid deaths: ‘I cursed the sterile white room where Ann died’
Stephen Kinnock MP says the UK's steel industry needs state aid and new export quotas with the EU.
Post-Brexit taxes for steel 'very damaging', says Kinnock
A former prime minister says there is daily fighting as rebel forces encircle Bangui.
from BBC News...
Central African Republic's capital in 'apocalyptic situation' as rebels close in
Lebanon's hospitals are turning away patients as the country buckles under Covid and economic collapse.
Lebanon ambulance driver: 'Hospitals can't take our Covid patients'
Kellie Larkin has cerebral palsy, is quadriplegic, non-verbal and communicates through a computer.
Coronavirus: 'Life will never be the same, for me it's better'
A selection of pictures from our readers on the theme of "winter scenes".
from BBC News - Home
Your pictures on the theme of 'winter scenes'
Seventeen-year-old Victoline explores progress to tackle the disease in her home country, Kenya.
Could a vaccine get rid of malaria for good?
Twelve months ago, 83 Britons fled Wuhan, the Covid-19 epicentre, but some wish they had never left.
UK's first Covid evacuees: 'I wish I'd stayed in Wuhan and missed flight'
As the number of people who died reaches six figures, the factors that led to this terrible total.
UK Covid deaths: Why the 100,000 toll is so bad
The death of a whale which got trapped in a net off Japan has once again exposed the hunting divide.
Japan whale hunting: 'By-catch' rule highlighted after minke death
Yewande Biala has spoken about how mispronunciations of her name affect her, and other women agree.
'When my name was butchered at school it made me feel different'
A year ago, the UK was yet to record a Covid case. Then a family rang NHS 111 from a hotel in York.
Coronavirus: How the UK dealt with its first Covid case
Manchester United forward Marcus Rashford says he was subjected to "humanity and social media at its...
Man Utd's Marcus Rashford racially abused on social media
Since the pandemic hit the UK, reports of investment scams targeting Instagram users have risen 50%.
'I was scammed out of £17,000 on Instagram'
The Budget - when is it, what does it do and what should we expect to hear from the chancellor?
Budget 2021: What is it and when will it happen?
Video calls and bookshelves dressed to impress
Video calls have given us all an insight into people's...
Video calls and bookshelves dressed to impress
Surfing duck: Pet becomes local celebrity at Australian beach
The duck - called Duck - has become renowned...
Surfing duck: Pet becomes local celebrity at Australian beach
Week in pictures: 23-29 January 2021
A selection of striking images taken around the world this week.
Week in pictures: 23-29 January 2021
Covid-19: Your vaccine questions answered
From infertility to travel, we look at some of the key Covid...
Covid-19: Your vaccine questions answered
Brian Sicknick died after sustaining injuries during the pro-Trump violence at the US Capitol.
Brian Sicknick: Officer killed in Capitol riot to lie in honour
The mayor of Amsterdam has angered coffee shop owners, who fear that drug gangsters could step in.
Amsterdam drugs: Tourists face ban from cannabis cafes
Some Latin American countries struggle with insufficient oxygen as Covid-19 continues to spread.
Coronavirus: What's behind Latin America's oxygen shortages?
Fyodor Cherenkov was an outstanding talent, a football hero in the Soviet Union. He also suffered terribly...
Fyodor Cherenkov: The Soviet football genius the world never got to see
Pro-democracy protesters face a tough decision over continuing to fight or fleeing to the UK.
The exiles: Hong Kong at a crossroads
Jacqui, who gave birth last year, gives advice to expectant mother Gemma.
from BBC News - Home
Pregnancy during lockdown: Advice from one mum to another
Video calls have given us all an insight into people's homes – and one firm an unexpected boost.
Video calls and bookshelves dressed to impress
The duck - called Duck - has become renowned locally for his daily forays into the sea.
from BBC News...
Surfing duck: Pet becomes local celebrity at Australian beach
A selection of striking images taken around the world this week.
from BBC News - Home
Week in pictures: 23-29 January 2021
From infertility to travel, we look at some of the key Covid vaccine talking points.
from BBC News...
Covid-19: Your vaccine questions answered
Tens of thousands of lobotomies were carried out in the UK and US in the 1940s and 50s. Should we condemn...
Lobotomy: The brain op described as ‘easier than curing a toothache’
Covid-19 has intensified the debate among environmental groups about the benefits of the project.
HS2: Could the pandemic kill off the rail project?
Organisers of the Olof Palme prize praise the group for promoting "peaceful civil disobedience".
Black Lives Matter foundation wins Swedish human rights prize
As two new jabs prove effective, where do we stand with vaccines and the fight back against Covid?
Covid vaccines: Those that work - and the others to come
A new parliamentary group wants to help young people engage with politics by improving civics education.
Push to ensure pupils are 'politically literate'
Up to 30,000 fans a day will be allowed to attend the Australian Open, Victoria's minister for sport...
Australian Open to allow up to 30,000 fans to attend per day
The EU's attempt to add controls on the export of jabs to the UK dominates the front pages.
from BBC...
The Papers: 'EU vaccine war explodes', and Oxford jab 'attack'
Novice investors are trying to beat Wall Street professionals at their own game.
from BBC News - Home...
GameStop: Who is winning the market battle?
A lot of us are tempted to spend January in bed but some people have turned it into their office.
Working from bed: 'I don't even have to get dressed'
Mother and baby homes: Eamon Martin supports public inquiry
Archbishop of Armagh, Eamon Martin, also...
Mother and baby homes: Eamon Martin supports public inquiry
Klarna: 'I got a £30 bill - but I've never used it'
There are concerns that fraudsters are signing up...
Klarna: 'I got a £30 bill - but I've never used it'
A-Levels: How students are coping with cancelled exams
The consultation period on how exam grading in...
A-Levels: How students are coping with cancelled exams
Why roller skating is making a comeback
It's become so popular in the past year that there's now a worldwide...
Why roller skating is making a comeback
GameStop: Meet the amateur traders fighting Wall Street
They're young, they're financially savvy and...
GameStop: Meet the amateur traders fighting Wall Street
Under England's lockdown rules, in force since 6 January, people should work from home if they can.
Covid: Data shows outbreaks in England's offices in lockdown
People are spending less time on hobbies and volunteering in the current lockdown, researchers say.
Covid-19: 'Less exercise and more TV' than first lockdown
The PM says it honoured the UK's "profound ties of history and friendship" with the ex-British colony.
Special UK visa for Hong Kong residents from Sunday
Education think-tank says pupils should have the right to repeat the school year after Covid disruption.
Covid-hit pupils 'should be allowed to repeat a year'
NHS volunteers will now be given the vaccine because they are considered frontline health workers.
Vaccination volunteers to be given Covid jab
Archbishop of Armagh, Eamon Martin, also agrees that victims should be entitled to compensation.
Mother and baby homes: Eamon Martin supports public inquiry
There are concerns that fraudsters are signing up for buy now, pay later services in others' names.
Klarna: 'I got a £30 bill - but I've never used it'
The consultation period on how exam grading in England should be assessed ends on Friday.
from BBC...
A-Levels: How students are coping with cancelled exams
It's become so popular in the past year that there's now a worldwide shortage of skates.
from BBC News...
Why roller skating is making a comeback
They're young, they're financially savvy and they're angry at being shut out of GameStop share trading.
GameStop: Meet the amateur traders fighting Wall Street
A year ago, the UK was yet to record a Covid case. Then a family rang NHS 111 from a hotel in York.
Coronavirus: How the UK dealt with its first Covid case
How disabled gamers formed a winning esports team called the Quad Gods.
from BBC News - Home
Quad Gods: The world-class gamers who play with their mouths
Ralph Fiennes and Carey Mulligan discuss history, archaeology, Indiana Jones and their new film.
Ralph Fiennes and Carey Mulligan re-make history in Netflix film The Dig
The government has granted millions of people in Hong Kong new opportunities to live and work in the...
UK BNO visa: Can Hong Kong residents now live in the UK?
Families look for answers after 19 people were killed then set alight on the US-Mexico border.
US-Mexico border: The gruesome attack that shocked a village
Tech giants promise faster, wider access to data thanks to cheaper satellite launches.
from BBC News...
Satellite boom attracts technology giants
Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp is delighted with his side's three goals in their win at Tottenham after...
Tottenham 1-3 Liverpool: 'We knocked the wall down' - Jurgen Klopp
The front pages report on trial results from a new Covid vaccine and supply shortages in Europe.
The Papers: 'Union vacc' and EU jab rollout nearing 'crisis'
Covid-19: 'I told my kids I wasn't going to make it'
Taxi driver Ali Sakallioglu spent 222 days in hospital...
Covid-19: 'I told my kids I wasn't going to make it'
The new US climate envoy says time is running out for the world to address the climate crisis.
John Kerry: UK climate summit is world's 'last best chance'
One in six UK households struggles to afford broadband, a poll by Citizens Advice found.
from BBC News...
Pricey broadband 'locks poorest out' of key services
Coronavirus infections are still at very high levels in many regions, a study estimates.
from BBC News...
Covid: 'Virus going in right direction but not fast enough'
Many worry about their capacity to protect the vulnerable if workloads increase further, a union warns.
Covid: Social workers 'braced for tsunami of needs' after lockdown
Ombudsman urges councils to ensure parents are not wrongly charged for free nursery places
from BBC...
Nursery top-up fees probe prompts England-wide warning
A unique study of millions of patient records identifies "substantial" differences in vaccine coverage.
Covid: Black over-80s 'half as likely' to have been vaccinated
CCTV footage shows eight people running out of the fire exit of the salon as police show up.
from BBC...
Covid: Lockdown rule-breakers flee Cwmbran salon in police raid
Travel bans ease across Australia after a Covid outbreak in its biggest city is brought under control.
Covid Australia: Queensland to reopen to Sydney after outbreak contained
Kristal Ambrose set up the Bahamas Plastic Movement in 2013 in a bid to reduce pollution.
from BBC...
Kristal and her students are fighting to eradicate ocean plastic
Taxi driver Ali Sakallioglu spent 222 days in hospital with Covid, including three months in a coma.
Covid-19: 'I told my kids I wasn't going to make it'
Many are finding things do not smell right after Covid - and that most foods smell and taste disgusting.
Parosmia: 'Since I had Covid, food makes me want to vomit'
Boris Johnson will visit Scotland on Thursday as polls suggest support for independence has risen.
Scottish independence: Will there be a second referendum?
We've been tracking some of the misinformation about vaccines that has circulated in minority communities.
Covid vaccines: Misleading claims targeting ethnic minority people
China is striving to curtail the world's biggest mass migration event when people go home to see family.
Chinese New Year: Clamping down on going home for the holidays
From the ObamaPad to Joe Biden's Apple Watch and Peloton, being president can be a tech challenge.
Joe Biden's tech - what can the president use?
With airlines grounded due to Covid, we speak to three former pilots who have left the industry.
The pilots forced to change career completely
Output tumbled almost 30% last year as Covid forced factory closures and a fall in consumer demand.
UK car production tumbles to 'worst in a generation'
The English National Opera's singing coach gives long Covid sufferers breathing space.
from BBC News...
English National Opera lessons for long Covid sufferers
Jagtar Singh Johal has been held in an Indian jail without conviction for more than three years.
Jagtar Singh Johal: Scot 'forced to sign blank confession' in India
Families loaded up on the latest technology and sales increased in China.
from BBC News - Home
Apple Christmas sales surge to $111bn amid pandemic
The papers focus on a row over the supply of Covid jabs to the EU and the timeline for reopening schools.
The Papers: 'No EU can't have our jabs' and 'schools out'
The continuing lockdown in England is tough for everyone but what's it like if you have limited space...
Covid: Living through lockdown in a high-rise flat
Insurers defend covering ransomware payments
Insurers reject claims that by covering ransomware bills...
Insurers defend covering ransomware payments
Covid crisis: 'I've been excluded from any help'
Millions of people have been shut out of government...
Covid crisis: 'I've been excluded from any help'
Covid-19 vaccine: Woman to restart chemotherapy after jab
Vicki Meredew, who received a leftover vaccine...
Covid-19 vaccine: Woman to restart chemotherapy after jab
Iraq killings: Who's behind a series of murders?
BBC News Arabic investigates a series of killings and...
Iraq killings: Who's behind a series of murders?
Holocaust Memorial Day 2021: 'It's sad when I sit there alone'
Already a difficult day, honouring those...
Holocaust Memorial Day 2021: 'It's sad when I sit there alone'
How women played a major role in Yemen's Arab Spring
Yemeni lawyer Ishraq al-Maqtari shares her memories...
How women played a major role in Yemen's Arab Spring
When your 'pandemic puppy' doesn't work out
Lockdown seemed like the perfect time to get a dog, but...
When your 'pandemic puppy' doesn't work out
David Solomon is being punished for the bank's involvement in the fraudulent Malaysian investment fund.
Goldman boss gets $10m pay cut for 1MDB scandal
The Oscar-nominated actor and his choreographer wife describe as "difficult" their decision to split.
Elliot Page: Canada's Juno star to divorce Emma Portner
Lockdown led to a surge in reports of fraudsters imitating genuine investment firms, regulator says.
Victims lose average of £45,000 in investment scams
Insurers reject claims that by covering ransomware bills they are funding organised crime.
from BBC...
Insurers defend covering ransomware payments
Millions of people have been shut out of government schemes designed to help, a new study suggests.
Covid crisis: 'I've been excluded from any help'
Vicki Meredew, who received a leftover vaccine dose, will continue palliative treatment for a brain...
Covid-19 vaccine: Woman to restart chemotherapy after jab
BBC News Arabic investigates a series of killings and the power of Shia militia groups in Iraq.
Iraq killings: Who's behind a series of murders?
Already a difficult day, honouring those killed by the Nazis will be different this year, as the pandemic...
Holocaust Memorial Day 2021: 'It's sad when I sit there alone'
Yemeni lawyer Ishraq al-Maqtari shares her memories of being one of the first women to take to the streets...
How women played a major role in Yemen's Arab Spring
Lockdown seemed like the perfect time to get a dog, but for some, the excitement turned into regret.
When your 'pandemic puppy' doesn't work out
Previous lockdowns suggest hospitality could be facing one of the longest routes back to normality.
Covid: Will the UK's pubs stay shut until May?
Francisco Vera, 11, was threatened after calling for better access to education during the pandemic.
The child environmentalist receiving death threats in Colombia
The Foo Fighters' frontman on the apocalyptic dreams that inspired his band's new album.
from BBC News...
Dave Grohl: 'I dreamt I was shot in the back'
It is the first time the world-famous event will take place in the autumn.
from BBC News - Home
Chelsea Flower Show: Event moved to autumn for first time in history
The maps depict the famous sea battle in which the English fleet was victorious in 1588.
from BBC News...
Spanish Armada maps 'saved for the nation'
Wednesday's papers reflect on the number of Britons who have died during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Papers: Front pages mark UK's 100,000 Covid deaths
Covid: The migrant helping Australia with modified masks
When Manmeet Kaur began giving away masks,...
Covid: The migrant helping Australia with modified masks
Hope and fear as Somalia’s civil war turns 30
Thirty years since Somalia plunged into civil war, BBC...
Hope and fear as Somalia’s civil war turns 30
The company acknowledges its "Birdwatch" idea could be "messy", but says it is worth trying.
from BBC...
Twitter pilot to let users flag 'false' content
The supermarket chains confirmed that an ongoing issue is affecting payments processing in some stores.
Co-op and Morrisons see queues over payments outage
The EU says it is unacceptable that AstraZeneca is cutting the number of pledged vaccine dozes.
Coronavirus: EU to tighten vaccine exports amid row with AstraZeneca
Scientists propose 10 golden rules for restoring forests to maximise benefits for the planet.
Scientists address myths over large-scale tree planting
Watchdog warns of low university chances for white working youths in former industrial towns.
Poor whites in 'left behind' towns miss out on uni
The UK is the second market - after the US - to get Facebook's latest news feature.
from BBC News -...
Facebook News feature launches in UK
Ex-cabinet minister wants "Britain's favourite animal" to get same protections as bats and badgers.
Chris Grayling leads MPs' charge to save hedgehogs
Despite the strains on the system, there is still kindness and new life in NHS hospitals.
from BBC...
Inside the hospital: ‘Among all the doom and gloom there’s positives’
When Manmeet Kaur began giving away masks, she realised many people would relish a different design.
Covid: The migrant helping Australia with modified masks
Thirty years since Somalia plunged into civil war, BBC Africa correspondent Andrew Harding has returned...
Hope and fear as Somalia’s civil war turns 30
Before Wuhan was locked down in January 2020 officials said the outbreak was under control - but the...
Covid-19: Five days that shaped the outbreak
Artificial intelligence is getting better at negotiating and research promises systems that could help...
Like a good deal? Maybe a hagglebot can help
The tale of her rise is rooted in an audacious journey Shyamala Gopalan made more than 60 years ago.
Shyamala Gopalan: The woman who inspired Kamala Harris
Why the show's not over for Randy Rainbow who used Broadway tunes to make fun of Donald Trump.
Randy Rainbow made his name satirising Trump - now what?
Known to millions around the world for her staunch defence of Trump, now it's her turn to speak for...
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: The Trump defender enters political race
The Senate has confirmed Janet Yellen as first female treasury secretary in US history.
from BBC News...
Janet Yellen to be first female US treasury secretary
An extra £50m is being directed towards grassroots sport after a "significant hit" to activity levels...
Extra £50m pledged for virus-hit grassroots sport
Budweiser will not advertise during the Super Bowl for the first time in 37 years.
from BBC News -...
Pandemic prompts Super Bowl ad rethink in US
It's not just shoppers facing surprise costs when EU parcels arrive, but what is behind the charges?
Brexit parcel price shock: 'I had to pay £30 for a gift'
The front pages focus on proposals to force some arrivals to the UK to self-isolate in hotels.
The Papers: Quarantine hotels plan and holidays 'under threat'
Sir John Curtice looks at whether a future Yes vote in Scotland could be boosted by the UK leaving the...
How Brexit shapes views on Scottish independence
Egypt's dreams of democracy still alive?
It's been 10 years since Egyptians took to the streets to unseat...
Egypt's dreams of democracy still alive?
Pandemic diaries: How are people coping in lockdown?
The BBC speaks to four people about their experiences...
Pandemic diaries: How are people coping in lockdown?
Detective Jane Mugo: Meet Kenya's 'spy queen'
BBC Africa Eye looks at the inside story of Detective...
Detective Jane Mugo: Meet Kenya's 'spy queen'
Only 18 out of 251 authorised traveller sites have any free spaces, research from a charity suggests.
Travellers: Shocking lack of pitches for families, charity warns
Janice Johnston had 18 months of needless chemotherapy, causing her numerous physical problems.
Care home worker thought cancer misdiagnosis was a 'cruel joke'
The changes affecting some customers take effect as finances are squeezed by Covid and Christmas.
Barclaycard customers face higher minimum payments
About 118,000 placements for young people are yet to be filled due to coronavirus lockdowns.
from BBC...
Kickstart: Most job roles for youths not yet filled
The head of France's scientific council suggests a third lockdown is needed amid spread of variants.
Covid-19: Top advisor warns France at 'emergency' virus moment
A former Boeing manager says more investigations are needed on the plane, grounded after two crashes.
Boeing 737 Max cleared to fly again 'too early'
Police used water cannon and tear gas to clear protesters in Eindhoven rallying against a new curfew.
Covid: Police and protesters clash during Dutch curfew demo
It's been 10 years since Egyptians took to the streets to unseat their longest-serving President, Hosni...
Egypt's dreams of democracy still alive?
The BBC speaks to four people about their experiences in the latest lockdown.
from BBC News - Home...
Pandemic diaries: How are people coping in lockdown?
BBC Africa Eye looks at the inside story of Detective Jane Mugo, the woman they call Kenya’s "spy queen".
Detective Jane Mugo: Meet Kenya's 'spy queen'
Israel is vaccinating against Covid-19 faster than anywhere else, but most Palestinians are waiting.
Covid-19: Vaccine divides in the Middle East
Reality TV star and ex-model, Katie Price reveals the challenges of finding a specialist college for...
Katie Price on Harvey's 'terrifying' move to a specialist college
The government says breaking Covid lockdown rules costs lives. But some people are doing it anyway.
Covid: Why I'm breaking lockdown rules
People in Lebanon describe the impact of being confined to their homes for 24 hours a day.
from BBC...
Lebanon's Coronavirus lockdown: 'We can't leave our homes day or night'
Already widely used in China, facial recognition payment is now expanding in other countries.
Why your face could be set to replace your bank card
Scientists attempt to understand how best to bring the great outdoors to those stuck inside.
from BBC...
Can we really feel the benefits of nature through a screen?
President Biden's open dislike of Facebook could spell problems for the social network.
from BBC News...
Zuckerberg's Biden problem
Biden says the vaccine rollout has been a failure, as he pledges 100 million shots in his first 100...
Covid-19: Why the US hasn't hit vaccine targets so far
The fast fashion retailer is not purchasing the stores or taking on its staff, the BBC understands.
Boohoo 'set to buy Debenhams brand and website'
Many of Monday's papers lead with calls from parents and MPs for schools to reopen in England.
The Papers: Schools out 'till Easter' for 'lost generation' kids
Tse Chi Lop: Alleged Asian drug lord arrested in Amsterdam
Australia believes Tse Chi Lop's syndicate...
Tse Chi Lop: Alleged Asian drug lord arrested in Amsterdam
In pictures: Tens of thousands gather for pro-Navalny protests
Tens of thousands brave a police crackdown...
In pictures: Tens of thousands gather for pro-Navalny protests
Firms planned record 800,000 redundancies last year
Despite the furlough scheme, employers decided to...
Firms planned record 800,000 redundancies last year
Is this Russian cult leader a fraud?
A mysterious Russian cult leader is accused of embezzling followers'...
Is this Russian cult leader a fraud?
Coronavirus: 'Lockdown made me feel like I was in prison'
John Nicholl, who is deafblind, says his use...
Coronavirus: 'Lockdown made me feel like I was in prison'
'I couldn't breathe': The 26-year-old with Covid
Twenty-six-year-old Mae Mamaril and her family all...
'I couldn't breathe': The 26-year-old with Covid
The paper that helped the homeless
How Street News became the first newspaper sold by homeless and unemployed...
The paper that helped the homeless
The homeless drug addict who became a history professor
Jesse Thistle, a high school dropout, overcame...
The homeless drug addict who became a history professor
Coronavirus: How the pandemic has changed the world economy
Key maps and charts explain how the virus...
Coronavirus: How the pandemic has changed the world economy
Janice Nix: The drugs kingpin who joined the Probation Service
Janice Nix used to be one of London's...
Janice Nix: The drugs kingpin who joined the Probation Service
Australia believes Tse Chi Lop's syndicate controls up to 70% of narcotics entering the country.
Tse Chi Lop: Alleged Asian drug lord arrested in Amsterdam
Tens of thousands brave a police crackdown to show support for jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny.
In pictures: Tens of thousands gather for pro-Navalny protests
Despite the furlough scheme, employers decided to a record number of jobs during 2020.
from BBC News...
Firms planned record 800,000 redundancies last year
A mysterious Russian cult leader is accused of embezzling followers' funds and abusing them.
from BBC...
Is this Russian cult leader a fraud?
John Nicholl, who is deafblind, says his use of hands-on sign language left him isolated in lockdown.
Coronavirus: 'Lockdown made me feel like I was in prison'
Twenty-six-year-old Mae Mamaril and her family all tested positive for Covid-19 at the end of 2020....
'I couldn't breathe': The 26-year-old with Covid
How Street News became the first newspaper sold by homeless and unemployed vendors
from BBC News -...
The paper that helped the homeless
Jesse Thistle, a high school dropout, overcame addiction and homelessness to pursue an academic career.
The homeless drug addict who became a history professor
Key maps and charts explain how the virus has impacted markets and businesses around the world.
Coronavirus: How the pandemic has changed the world economy
Janice Nix used to be one of London's most notorious drug dealers. How did she turn her life around?
Janice Nix: The drugs kingpin who joined the Probation Service
Ten years after ousting their strongman leader, some say the new system isn't working.
from BBC News...
Tunisians question whether life is better after Arab Spring
Gamers have been facing inflated prices for months - and it's set to stretch into 2021.
from BBC News...
The great graphics card shortage of 2020 (and 2021)
Many of Sunday's papers focus on what the Covid jab means for lockdown, case numbers and schools.
The Papers: Vaccinated told to follow rules and PM's jab 'gamble'
How Joe Biden's ancestral Irish home is celebrating
Celebrations broke out across Ballina when Biden's...
How Joe Biden's ancestral Irish home is celebrating
Week in pictures: 16-22 January 2021
A selection of striking images taken around the world this week.
Week in pictures: 16-22 January 2021
Muslim students still waiting for government funding plan
In 2013 the government promised to deliver...
Muslim students still waiting for government funding plan
Covid vaccine: Can Wales meet its targets?
Is Wales able to meet its vaccination targets - this weekend...
Covid vaccine: Can Wales meet its targets?
Wuhan marks its anniversary with triumph and denial
In the city where the virus first emerged there...
Wuhan marks its anniversary with triumph and denial
Covid-19: Five ways to avoid lockdown back pain
Tips on how to reduce back pain through the Covid-19...
Covid-19: Five ways to avoid lockdown back pain
Rémy Julienne: Stunt king to the stars who fell to Covid
Rémy Julienne was one of the world's top stunt...
Rémy Julienne: Stunt king to the stars who fell to Covid
Covid-19: Nurses call for better masks to protect all staff
Inadequate PPE and a new variant may be...
Covid-19: Nurses call for better masks to protect all staff
As the UK rejects £500 Covid pay outs, how are others countries getting people to stick to the rules?
Covid hand-outs: How other countries pay if you are sick
Green groups are calling on the PM to cancel the project - but how was the decision reached?
from BBC...
Climate change: Six questions about the Cumbria coal controversy
Celebrations broke out across Ballina when Biden's presidential victory was declared - and for the young...
How Joe Biden's ancestral Irish home is celebrating
A selection of striking images taken around the world this week.
from BBC News - Home
Week in pictures: 16-22 January 2021
In 2013 the government promised to deliver a Sharia-compliant scheme but so far it has not materialised.
Muslim students still waiting for government funding plan
Is Wales able to meet its vaccination targets - this weekend and next month?
from BBC News - Home
Covid vaccine: Can Wales meet its targets?
In the city where the virus first emerged there is now an insistence that it came from elsewhere.
Wuhan marks its anniversary with triumph and denial
Tips on how to reduce back pain through the Covid-19 lockdown and beyond.
from BBC News - Home
Covid-19: Five ways to avoid lockdown back pain
Rémy Julienne was one of the world's top stunt artists, devising crashes and collisions in 1,400 films.
Rémy Julienne: Stunt king to the stars who fell to Covid
Inadequate PPE and a new variant may be putting the lives of nurses at risk, says nursing union.
Covid-19: Nurses call for better masks to protect all staff
Some will enable women to have overnight visits with their children, the Ministry of Justice says.
Up to 500 new cells to be built in women's prisons
Historical documents are uncovered that provide clues to a puzzle that haunted Charles Darwin.
New light shed on Charles Darwin's 'abominable mystery'
The government says the funding will connect "left-behind" communities.
from BBC News - Home
East West and Northumberland rail lines get £794m boost
Injections are to be delivered at Black Country Living Museum where the series has in part been filmed.
Covid: Peaky Blinders' Black Country Museum is vaccine hub
Saturday's papers lead with Boris Johnson's warning that the UK Covid-19 variant may be more deadly.
The Papers: UK 'feeling the strain' but gets vaccine 'boost'
'The phone call that brought me freedom - but broke my mother's heart'
When Farah Sayeed told her mother...
'The phone call that brought me freedom - but broke my mother's heart'
Africa's long wait for the Covid-19 vaccine
Africa will have to wait "weeks if not months" before getting...
Africa's long wait for the Covid-19 vaccine
How Covid turbocharged the QR revolution
As a cheap and reliable way to store information, the humble...
How Covid turbocharged the QR revolution
Covid-19: The NHS trust the Army is helping through the second wave
Staff shortages have proved a problem...
Covid-19: The NHS trust the Army is helping through the second wave
UK retailers may abandon goods EU customers want to return because it is cheaper than bringing them...
Brexit: Retailers could burn goods stuck in EU
Democrat Ala'a and Republican Caleb, both 16, on whether President Biden's call for unity can be achieved.
President Biden and unity: Can the next generation unify America?
When her friends died in childbirth, a Nigerian woman hatched a plan to make a difference.
from BBC...
The vehicle that got a village smiling
Annette keeps in touch with her two granddaughters by reading to them over video call.
from BBC News...
How online bedtime stories keep grandparents connected
The world's first coronavirus lockdown began in Wuhan a year ago - how has China changed since then?
Wuhan anniversary: How China tackled its Covid pandemic
Some of those leading the nation's vaccination effort have told of their experiences.
from BBC News...
Vaccine volunteers: 'It's felt good to fight back against Covid'
When Farah Sayeed told her mother she wasn't coming home after university, it caused a painful rift.
'The phone call that brought me freedom - but broke my mother's heart'
Africa will have to wait "weeks if not months" before getting WHO-approved vaccines, officials say.
Africa's long wait for the Covid-19 vaccine
As a cheap and reliable way to store information, the humble QR code is finding new uses.
from BBC...
How Covid turbocharged the QR revolution
Staff shortages have proved a problem for Barts NHS Trust, which is struggling amid the second wave.
Covid-19: The NHS trust the Army is helping through the second wave
The Hollywood star explains why a role in the hit French comedy series was too good to refuse.
Why Sigourney Weaver had to say yes to Call My Agent
The Japanese car maker has told the BBC its Sunderland plant is secure for the long term.
from BBC...
Nissan says Brexit deal 'positive' and commits to UK
The TV presenter says Mr Trump went on with the conversation, believing it to be Morgan.
from BBC News...
Trump 'prank-called by Piers Morgan impersonator'
Nurseries, pre-schools and childminders call for rapid testing and priority access to vaccines.
Covid: Half of early-years staff ‘don’t feel safe’
A national charity renews its plea for donations to help museums hit by the coronavirus pandemic.
Covid: Museums and galleries 'fighting for survival', Art Fund says
Investigators have been targeting offenders who operate online since the first coronavirus lockdown.
Police arrest 320 dangerous UK child sex offenders
A report criticises the union after it told its members not to volunteer due to safety concerns.
Covid: Fire Brigades Union safety demands 'unworkable', says report
A special unit set up by the Crown Office is looking into Covid deaths involving 474 care homes across...
Covid in Scotland: More than 400 care homes investigated over deaths
Friday's front pages suggest ministers are considering making a cash payment to everyone who tests positive.
Newspaper headlines: £500 Covid payment and flood devastation
Food supply problems in NI clearly a Brexit issue - Coveney
Food supply problems in NI clearly a Brexit...
Food supply problems in NI clearly a Brexit issue - Coveney
Covid: House hunters travelling 'hundreds of miles' to view homes
Covid: House hunters travelling 'hundreds...
Covid: House hunters travelling 'hundreds of miles' to view homes
Elephants counted from space for conservation
Elephants counted from space for conservation
Elephants counted from space for conservation
Universities degree 'not the only route to success'
Universities degree 'not the only route to success'
Universities degree 'not the only route to success'
The new US vice-president speaks of the values President Joe Biden wants to "summon" in America.
Kamala Harris: 'Believe in what we can do together'
Troubles victims: Thousands of relatives call for action
Some 3,500 people sign an open letter, published...
Troubles victims: Thousands of relatives call for action
Inauguration fashion: Purple, pearls, and mittens
With the world watching, who created fashion moments...
Inauguration fashion: Purple, pearls, and mittens
Biden inauguration: Amanda Gorman's poem The Hill We Climb in full
Amanda Gorman's powerful reading...
Biden inauguration: Amanda Gorman's poem The Hill We Climb in full
Covid: 'No evidence' virus levels decreasing in England
Imperial College London research suggests rates...
Covid: 'No evidence' virus levels decreasing in England
UK and EU in row over bloc's diplomatic status
The EU's top representative in London is not being accorded...
UK and EU in row over bloc's diplomatic status
Food supply problems in NI clearly a Brexit issue - Coveney
NI Secretary Brandon Lewis said empty shelves...
Food supply problems in NI clearly a Brexit issue - Coveney
Covid: House hunters travelling 'hundreds of miles' to view homes
Estate agents call for tougher measures...
Covid: House hunters travelling 'hundreds of miles' to view homes
Elephants counted from space for conservation
Satellite imagery is being used to count elephants in...
Elephants counted from space for conservation
Universities degree 'not the only route to success'
Ministers announce plans to reform post-16 education...
Universities degree 'not the only route to success'
Some 3,500 people sign an open letter, published in three newspapers.
from BBC News - Home
Troubles victims: Thousands of relatives call for action
With the world watching, who created fashion moments on inauguration day?
from BBC News - Home
Inauguration fashion: Purple, pearls, and mittens
Amanda Gorman's powerful reading of her poem was one of the memorable moments at Joe Biden's inauguration.
Biden inauguration: Amanda Gorman's poem The Hill We Climb in full
Imperial College London research suggests rates may have risen over the first 10 days of the third lockdown.
Covid: 'No evidence' virus levels decreasing in England
The EU's top representative in London is not being accorded the same privileges as other ambassadors.
UK and EU in row over bloc's diplomatic status
NI Secretary Brandon Lewis said empty shelves in Northern Ireland were down to Covid-19.
from BBC News...
Food supply problems in NI clearly a Brexit issue - Coveney
Estate agents call for tougher measures - as buyers race to beat the end of the stamp duty holiday.
Covid: House hunters travelling 'hundreds of miles' to view homes
Satellite imagery is being used to count elephants in a breakthrough that could aid conservation.
Elephants counted from space for conservation
Ministers announce plans to reform post-16 education to give employers the skilled people they need.
Universities degree 'not the only route to success'
Natural wonder: Wing 'clap' solves mystery of butterfly flight
The cupped clap of a butterfly's wings...
Natural wonder: Wing 'clap' solves mystery of butterfly flight
NHS child gender clinic rated 'inadequate' by inspectors
Services and waiting times must improve at...
NHS child gender clinic rated 'inadequate' by inspectors
Monklands ICU staff are 'physically and emotionally' drained
James Cook returns to Monklands eight months...
Monklands ICU staff are 'physically and emotionally' drained
Covid smear-test delays prompt calls for home HPV tests
Delays to smear tests in lockdown prompt cervical...
Covid smear-test delays prompt calls for home HPV tests
£23m support fund for struggling fishing firms
It comes as industry workers warn their livelihoods are...
£23m support fund for struggling fishing firms
Paralysed ambulance call handler walks for 'NHS heroes'
An emergency call handler paralysed below the...
Paralysed ambulance call handler walks for 'NHS heroes'
Dinosaurs In Love: Tom Rosenthal and daughter's song made into book
Dinosaurs In Love went viral, musician...
Dinosaurs In Love: Tom Rosenthal and daughter's song made into book
Luke Grenfell-Shaw: Cycling around the world with cancer
Cancer patient Luke Grenfell-Shaw completes...
Luke Grenfell-Shaw: Cycling around the world with cancer
Iran nuclear deal: What are Biden's plans and challenges
With so much hostility - and mistrust - between...
Iran nuclear deal: What are Biden's plans and challenges
Greece #Metoo: Women ending silence of sport abuse shake Greece
The decision by ex-champion Sofia Bekatorou...
Greece #Metoo: Women ending silence of sport abuse shake Greece
The cupped clap of a butterfly's wings may be the key to their flying abilities and their survival.
Natural wonder: Wing 'clap' solves mystery of butterfly flight
Services and waiting times must improve at the NHS's child gender-identity service, inspectors say.
NHS child gender clinic rated 'inadequate' by inspectors
James Cook returns to Monklands eight months on to find the hospital staff struggling against the odds.
Monklands ICU staff are 'physically and emotionally' drained
Delays to smear tests in lockdown prompt cervical cancer charities to call for home-testing kits.
Covid smear-test delays prompt calls for home HPV tests
It comes as industry workers warn their livelihoods are at risk due to Brexit border problems.
£23m support fund for struggling fishing firms
An emergency call handler paralysed below the waist walks one mile to raise funds for the NHS.
Paralysed ambulance call handler walks for 'NHS heroes'
Dinosaurs In Love went viral, musician Tom Rosenthal and his daughter Fenn were the ones behind it.
Dinosaurs In Love: Tom Rosenthal and daughter's song made into book
Cancer patient Luke Grenfell-Shaw completes the first part of his round-the-world challenge.
from BBC...
Luke Grenfell-Shaw: Cycling around the world with cancer
With so much hostility - and mistrust - between Washington and Tehran, will President Biden be able...
Iran nuclear deal: What are Biden's plans and challenges
The decision by ex-champion Sofia Bekatorou to describe how she was assaulted leads to a #Metoo moment.
Greece #Metoo: Women ending silence of sport abuse shake Greece
Student protests around the country are set to highlight the mental health impacts of the pandemic.
Coronavirus: French students highlight pandemic's mental health toll
The UK has not always "lived up to its values" under Boris Johnson, his predecessor Theresa May says.
Theresa May: PM's foreign aid cut damaged UK's moral leadership, says predecessor
Wednesday's front pages focus on Joe Biden's inauguration later as the 46th US president.
from BBC...
Newspaper headlines: 'It's the back of Trump' and 'vaccine pivot'
First Dates: Channel 4 series will feel 'more like real life'
The latest daters are in unfamiliar surroundings...
First Dates: Channel 4 series will feel 'more like real life'
Female child sex abuse 'remains taboo' while victims struggle
Female perpetrated child sexual abuse...
Female child sex abuse 'remains taboo' while victims struggle
Covid self-employment income support scheme unfair say mothers
Campaigners are bringing a judicial review...
Covid self-employment income support scheme unfair say mothers
Conquering K2 in winter 'together'
The BBC speaks to Nirmal Purja, among the first Nepalese climbers...
Conquering K2 in winter 'together'
Biden says travel bans will stay despite Trump order
The US president-elect dismisses a White House...
Biden says travel bans will stay despite Trump order
Royal Papworth Hospital proposal by man who spent Christmas alone
Family members watched online as Jordan...
Royal Papworth Hospital proposal by man who spent Christmas alone
Despite the risks, people say they are being asked to work on site when they could do it from home.
'My boss made me come to work and I caught Covid'
Oxford says the "public cannot get enough of experts" with a £100m donation for antibiotics research.
Oxford research tackles threat of antibiotic resistance
Many parents struggle to meet their children's needs during the pandemic, say researchers.
from BBC...
Parents' stress and depression 'rise during lockdowns'
Australian tennis player Nick Kyrgios takes aim at Novak Djokovic ahead of the Australian Open.
Kyrgios criticises Djokovic over Australian Open quarantine row
The latest daters are in unfamiliar surroundings as the Channel 4 series moves to a new restaurant.
First Dates: Channel 4 series will feel 'more like real life'
Female perpetrated child sexual abuse remains taboo, experts say - while victims struggle to report...
Female child sex abuse 'remains taboo' while victims struggle
Campaigners are bringing a judicial review for indirect sexual discrimination on Thursday.
from BBC...
Covid self-employment income support scheme unfair say mothers
The BBC speaks to Nirmal Purja, among the first Nepalese climbers who reached the K2 summit in winter.
Conquering K2 in winter 'together'
The US president-elect dismisses a White House order lifting entry bans for much of Europe and Brazil.
Biden says travel bans will stay despite Trump order
Family members watched online as Jordan got engaged to his partner, with the help of nurses.
from BBC...
Royal Papworth Hospital proposal by man who spent Christmas alone
As Donald Trump prepares to leave office, here are some of the key moments of his presidency.
Melania’s jacket and nine other defining images of Trump's presidency
A new visa will give 5.4m Hong Kong residents the right to resettle in Britain. How many will leave?
The Hong Kong migrants fleeing to start new lives in the UK
A sex abuse case involving a well-known intellectual sparked a deluge of testimonies by victims of abuse.
Olivier Duhamel: French incest allegations prompt victims to speak out
Smoking within 10m (30ft) of others is no longer allowed in parks, play areas, bus and tram stops.
Italy smoking: Want to light up in Milan? Not any more, you can't
Putting sites underground does not mean they're beyond the reach of those who want them scuppered.
Why Iran’s nuclear facilities are still vulnerable to attack
Artificial intelligence helped investigators in a daunting examination of Airbus's business.
from BBC...
How a robot investigator searched 60 million files
Tuesday's front pages report fears that millions of people could ignore Covid rules once they are vaccinated.
Newspaper headlines: Jab complacency fears and smart motorway inquest
Covid-19: The road back to Wuhan
The BBC's Stephen McDonell visits Wuhan ahead of the anniversary of...
Covid-19: The road back to Wuhan
Racism in education: How truth pages helped students fight back
'Truth pages', where students share...
Racism in education: How truth pages helped students fight back
Kori, nine, says transplant gives him 'another chance at life'
Kori, from Ripley in Derbyshire, was...
Kori, nine, says transplant gives him 'another chance at life'
Yemen: The doctor alone in a Covid-ravaged hospital
As war-torn Yemen braces itself for a second wave...
Yemen: The doctor alone in a Covid-ravaged hospital
Nazi Ravensbrück camp: How ordinary women became SS torturers
Female SS guards enjoyed home comforts...
Nazi Ravensbrück camp: How ordinary women became SS torturers
Biden inauguration: How the White House gets ready for a new president
Taking down pictures and clearing...
Biden inauguration: How the White House gets ready for a new president
A wristband that tells your boss if you are unhappy
Technology to help our mental wellbeing has grown...
A wristband that tells your boss if you are unhappy
He coordinated with Trump supporters during the Capitol riot - but new video suggests it was part of...
The Capitol Police officer in a MAGA hat. What’s the real story?
A group of pensioners is accusing BT of "historic" excessive pricing of landlines.
from BBC News -...
BT faces £600m lawsuit over 'historic overcharging'
A nurse receives the first jab, after months of delay and political discord over the programme.
Covid: Brazil approves and rolls out AstraZeneca and Sinovac vaccines
The BBC's Stephen McDonell visits Wuhan ahead of the anniversary of the world's first Covid-19 lockdown.
Covid-19: The road back to Wuhan
'Truth pages', where students share their experiences of racism, have snowballed on social media since...
Racism in education: How truth pages helped students fight back
Kori, from Ripley in Derbyshire, was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
from BBC News - Home...
Kori, nine, says transplant gives him 'another chance at life'
As war-torn Yemen braces itself for a second wave of Covid-19, one doctor tells her story of battling...
Yemen: The doctor alone in a Covid-ravaged hospital
Female SS guards enjoyed home comforts at a camp where they tortured thousands of inmates.
from BBC...
Nazi Ravensbrück camp: How ordinary women became SS torturers
Taking down pictures and clearing out desks is part of a huge operation readying for a new president.
Biden inauguration: How the White House gets ready for a new president
Technology to help our mental wellbeing has grown in popularity during the coronavirus lockdowns.
A wristband that tells your boss if you are unhappy
Writer Russell T Davies talks about his new show It's A Sin, set amid the Aids crisis in the 1980s.
Russell T Davies on It's A Sin: 'We were all Aids deniers - then it got real'
Following the events at the US Capitol, there are concerns about the activity of militia groups.
Capitol riots: Are US militia groups becoming more active?
At the moment, there's no official way to prove you don't have to wear a face covering
from BBC News...
Who's exempt from wearing masks?: 'I'm scared of abuse for not wearing one'
Passengers, whether by boat, train or plane, will have to show proof of a negative Covid test to be...
Covid: UK travel corridors closure to come into force
Small groups - some armed - gather in US cities, amid tight security before Joe Biden's inauguration.
Biden inauguration: Fortified US statehouses see scattered protests
Monday's papers focus on news that over-70s in England will be invited to get a Covid jab this week.
The Papers: 'Hope in the post' as '5 million more offered jab'
The Papers: 'Quarantine hotels' and jab for over-18s 'by June'
Sunday's front pages include new plans...
The Papers: 'Quarantine hotels' and jab for over-18s 'by June'
The man startling millions of starlings with lasers
During starling season in winter, up to four million...
The man startling millions of starlings with lasers
Lockdown mental health: Tips for helping your child
Lockdown has seen an increase in children under...
Lockdown mental health: Tips for helping your child
Fighting for the Parthenon marbles
In the 1980s Greece demanded Britain return the Parthenon marbles,...
Fighting for the Parthenon marbles
The government is aiming to provide grants by April to mitigate the impact of Covid travel rules.
Airport support scheme to launch this month
Women are sent sexually explicit messages and requests for "worn" garments.
from BBC News - Home
Online clothes sellers targeted by 'creepy' messages
Pupils in England can read works by popular authors online while schools stay closed in lockdown.
Virtual library gives children in England free book access
It comes as the government urges people to "play their part" in helping to meet vaccination targets.
Covid: 10 new mass vaccination centres to open in England
The Duke of Cambridge praises his grandparents for getting the vaccine in a video call with NHS staff.
Covid-19 vaccines: Prince William 'proud' of Queen and duke for getting jabs
The leaders of the US, France, Germany and other leading economies will meet in Cornwall in June.
G7: UK to host Cornwall seaside summit in summer
Sunday's front pages include new plans for Covid vaccines, and lifting lockdown restrictions.
The Papers: 'Quarantine hotels' and jab for over-18s 'by June'
During starling season in winter, up to four million of the birds descend on Rome, covering streets...
The man startling millions of starlings with lasers
Lockdown has seen an increase in children under 11 seeking counselling according to the NSPCC.
Lockdown mental health: Tips for helping your child
In the 1980s Greece demanded Britain return the Parthenon marbles, a sculptural frieze removed by Lord...
Fighting for the Parthenon marbles
Illusionists are celebrating a century since the trick of sawing a woman in half was first performed.
Magicians mark 100 years of 'sawing woman in half' trick
A selection of pictures from our readers on the theme of "my hobby".
from BBC News - Home
Your pictures on the theme of 'my hobby'
Mayeni Jones investigates what happened when the army opened fire on protesters in Lagos in October.
Lekki toll gate shootings: What really happened?
People listened to the likes of Bach and Handel as they waited for their jab at Salisbury Cathedral.
Covid vaccine patients treated to live organ music at Salisbury Cathedral
In 1898 a white mob stormed Wilmington, North Carolina and forced locally elected leaders to resign.
Wilmington 1898: When white supremacists overthrew a US government
Avenue Beat scored a breakout hit with the pandemic anthem F2020. So what do they do next?
from BBC...
Avenue Beat: How do the F2020 singers avoid becoming a one-hit wonder?
Japanese job hunters are more diverse than ever and they are demanding change.
from BBC News - Home...
Shukatsu sexism: The Japanese jobseekers fighting discrimination
After the storming of the US Capitol, Donald Trump is facing "a very different set of calculations".
Will the Trump corporate backlash make a difference?
Millions of women use apps to track their menstrual cycle, but many say they do not work well enough.
Are women let down by period trackers?
Can supermarket security guards help with mask rules?
Can supermarket security guards help with mask...
Can supermarket security guards help with mask rules?
Project 17: One girl's quest for clean water in Rwanda
Project 17: One girl's quest for clean water...
Project 17: One girl's quest for clean water in Rwanda
Martin Luther King Jr: New documentary on FBI surveillance
Martin Luther King Jr: New documentary on...
Martin Luther King Jr: New documentary on FBI surveillance
Dinosaurs In Love: Tom Rosenthal and daughter's song made into book
Dinosaurs In Love: Tom Rosenthal...