Archive for March 2021
Lockdown: Are people losing skills they're not using?
Psychologists are studying whether people are...
Lockdown: Are people losing skills they're not using?
Nicole Thea's husband Global Boga: 'My world has been taken away’
Afrobeats artist Global Boga speaks...
Nicole Thea's husband Global Boga: 'My world has been taken away’
How satellite images are helping one country hand out cash
Togo has found a new way to send emergency...
How satellite images are helping one country hand out cash
Why I bought the Lil Nas X 'Satan Shoes'
With art collective MSCHF, singer Lil Nas X created a pair...
Why I bought the Lil Nas X 'Satan Shoes'
Batley Grammar School: Blasphemy debate leaves town 'at crossroads'
People in Batley reflect on the...
Batley Grammar School: Blasphemy debate leaves town 'at crossroads'
Why April is a big month for your finances
Lots of changes to household bills, tax and other elements...
Why April is a big month for your finances
Germany and Namibia: What's the right price to pay for genocide?
Germany is set to apologise to Namibia...
Germany and Namibia: What's the right price to pay for genocide?
And fewer than one in five people request a test if they have symptoms, a report on test and trace says.
Covid-19: Few people with symptoms are self-isolating, study finds
A brain surgeon, left shocked and frightened by his cancer diagnosis, says the law needs changing.
Assisted dying inquiry essential, leading brain surgeon says
An interview with the ex-president was posted by his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, on Facebook.
Facebook bans 'voice of Trump' from platform
Psychologists are studying whether people are losing skills because of lockdown.
from BBC News - Home...
Lockdown: Are people losing skills they're not using?
Afrobeats artist Global Boga speaks out about losing his YouTuber wife and their baby son.
from BBC...
Nicole Thea's husband Global Boga: 'My world has been taken away’
Togo has found a new way to send emergency cash to people struggling in the pandemic.
from BBC News...
How satellite images are helping one country hand out cash
With art collective MSCHF, singer Lil Nas X created a pair of pricey and controversial trainers.
Why I bought the Lil Nas X 'Satan Shoes'
People in Batley reflect on the row over pupils being shown a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad.
Batley Grammar School: Blasphemy debate leaves town 'at crossroads'
Lots of changes to household bills, tax and other elements of finances take place in the course of a...
Why April is a big month for your finances
Germany is set to apologise to Namibia for a genocide more than 100 years ago - and to pay an as yet...
Germany and Namibia: What's the right price to pay for genocide?
Climate change: Should aviation be allowed to expand?
from BBC News - Home
Should airports be allowed to expand?
Peter Jones and Sara Davies discuss the mechanics of the BBC One show ahead of its 18th series.
Dragons' Den: The hits, misses, and why investments fall through
South Africa's winemakers hope for a brighter future after a very tough 12 months.
from BBC News -...
'I have put everything into my winery'
The Labour leader says there could be opposition to vaccine passports if the virus is under control.
Vaccine passports against 'British instinct' - Starmer
The $2tn investment plan is aimed at re-igniting US economic growth and fighting climate change.
Biden unveils 'once in a generation' spending plan
Reaction to a government-commissioned report on race and the Queen's vaccine dose are among the front-page...
The Papers: Race report 'backlash' and Queen 'gets second jab'
Major had been sent to Delaware for training after nipping a White House employee earlier this month.
Biden's dog Major bites again at White House
Lord Fowler, the Lord Speaker of the House of Lords, has backed calls for the UK’s first ever National...
Speaker Lord Fowler backs calls for National Aids memorial
Uyghurs abroad describe a pattern of harassment and intimidation they say is designed to silence them.
The cost of speaking up against China
The BBC's Laura Foster gets tips from NHS staff working in the profession.
from BBC News - Home
Coronavirus: How to help health workers' mental health
Despite an official UK invite, China is not taking part in a key summit on climate and development.
Climate change: China absent from key UK meeting
Indian farmers are protesting against three new laws they believe will hurt their income.
from BBC...
No end in sight for India's protesting farmers
Artist Stephen Wright has been turning his London house into a work of art since 1998.
from BBC News...
London house turned into House of Dreams work of art
Hundreds have been killed in deadly protests since the military took control of the country in February.
Myanmar coup: The monks divided over the deadly protests
The 18th year of 24 photographers documenting every hour of New Year's Day, each year, for 24 years.
Capturing every hour of each New Year's Day for 24 years
Diagnosed with a terminal illness, Hanna wanted to tell the twins taken from her at 16 - but had no...
Letterbox contact: ‘Don’t my birth children have a right to know I’m dying?'
An entrepreneur explains the strategy he devised to protect himself from mental burnout.
from BBC News...
CEO Secrets: 'The stress of being a boss made my hair fall out'
BBC London's Political Editor Tim Donovan looks at the moments that defined the role of mayor of London.
Mayor of London: Two decades in the spotlight
If you've been struggling to buy a new PlayStation or Xbox, this might be the reason why.
from BBC...
Scalping: The teens making thousands selling consoles online
A year after British Airways grounded flights at Gatwick Airport, nearby Crawley plots a new course.
Gatwick Airport: Can Crawley turn away from aviation and go green?
Two international film nominees on the personal trials they faced making their hard-hitting films.
Oscars 2021: The female directors tackling tough truths
People seen as clinically extremely vulnerable are still being told to take precautions over Covid.
Covid-19: Shielding coming to an end for millions
It comes amid a cabinet reshuffle as Jair Bolsonaro fights to contain a crisis over his leadership.
Brazil military chiefs resign in new crisis for Bolsonaro
The electronic tags monitor offenders' sweat to see if they are breaching court-ordered drinking bans.
'Sobriety ankle tags' rolled out across England
The EU is working to improve conditions but the UK is not keeping pace, says the TUC.
from BBC News...
Brexit: UK 'risks falling behind' EU on workers’ rights
A small minority of frequent flyers dominates air travel in countries with high aviation emissions.
A few frequent flyers 'dominate air travel'
Kew Gardens and RHS Wisley feature in the top 10 most visited attractions for the first time.
Outdoor UK attractions fared better during pandemic
The party leaders all called each other by their first names - but the deep divisions between them showed.
What did we learn from Scotland election debate?
Reality Check looks at claims about child poverty, renewable energy and mental health.
from BBC News...
Scottish election 2021: Leaders' debate fact-checked
Photographing the "endless diversity" of America by streetlight
Photographer Daniel Freeman travelled...
Photographing the "endless diversity" of America by streetlight
Is this the future for international business deals?
A new facility has opened in Singapore where business...
Is this the future for international business deals?
'Finding work feels impossible for my generation'
Young people could see rising levels of unemployment...
'Finding work feels impossible for my generation'
The crisis at the Tavistock's child gender clinic
A number of reports have raised concerns about the...
The crisis at the Tavistock's child gender clinic
Ryan Fischer was shot in the chest as he walked the star's three French bulldogs in February.
Lady Gaga dog walker Ryan Fischer 'had to have part of his lung removed'
A year on since 29-year-old Reece caught coronavirus, what he imagined would be a mild infection changed...
Long Covid: 'It's like someone has piled sandbags on top of me'
The changes aim to only have "patriots" in office in Hong Kong but critics warn it will stifle dissent.
Hong Kong: China to pass 'patriot' electoral reforms
The PM's comments that England remains on course to ease further restrictions on 12 April is among the...
The Papers: England 'on track' to reopen and pandemic treaty plea
Despite promises to work together, it has been far from plain sailing between the UK and the EU since...
Keeping score on UK-EU relations since Brexit
Women in Italy who had an abortion or miscarriage have discovered the fetus had been given a religious...
Abortion in Italy: 'I found a grave with my name on it'
Photographer Daniel Freeman travelled across the US to capture striking night-time shots.
from BBC...
Photographing the "endless diversity" of America by streetlight
A new facility has opened in Singapore where business people hold meetings in glass "bubbles".
Is this the future for international business deals?
Young people could see rising levels of unemployment even as the crisis eases, warns Prince's Trust.
'Finding work feels impossible for my generation'
A number of reports have raised concerns about the country's only NHS gender clinic for young people.
The crisis at the Tavistock's child gender clinic
Drones are being used to track bees that have been trained to sense chemicals in landmines.
from BBC...
How bees and drones team up to find landmines
How to work your way to happiness, and break that daily grind.
from BBC News - Home
'I catch rats for a living and couldn’t be happier'
A glacier in western Uganda is disappearing, endangering the traditions of those who live nearby.
Uganda climate change: The people under threat from a melting glacier
AstraZeneca has become a political football in a European blame game over its covid vaccine.
from BBC...
AstraZeneca vaccine - was it really worth it?
The comic and actor leads stars in an open letter urging black Britons to have the Covid-19 jab.
Sir Lenny Henry's open letter urges black Britons to take Covid vaccine
Cases and deaths are rising as US officials warned the struggle to end the pandemic is not over.
Covid-19: CDC head warns of 'impending doom' in US
It was used in attacks by the UK's most prolific rapist and the serial killer Stephen Port.
from BBC...
GHB: Killer drug to be made a Class B substance
Nike is suing Lil Nas X and an art collective for using its shoes to make a controversial product.
Nike sues Lil Nas X over blood-filled 'Satan Shoes'
Out-of-date information may be deterring people from being vaccinated.
from BBC News - Home
Evidence mounts Covid jab protects those around you
Covid jab: One dose in care homes gives 'substantial' protection
A study suggests 62% of residents are...
Covid jab: One dose in care homes gives 'substantial' protection
Doctors warn against cuts to youth drug and alcohol treatment
Young people's lives are being put at...
Doctors warn against cuts to youth drug and alcohol treatment
Brisbane lockdown: Australian city to shut down over seven cases
The Australian city of about two million...
Brisbane lockdown: Australian city to shut down over seven cases
'Spongy roads' to be Slough's new claim to fame
Move over David Brent, settle down John Betjeman, the...
'Spongy roads' to be Slough's new claim to fame
'It's do or die time for my insurer to pay up'
Thousands of businesses across the country are feeling...
'It's do or die time for my insurer to pay up'
'Astronauts aren't just men - we're astronauts too'
Seven-year-old Elizabeth built her own rocket and...
'Astronauts aren't just men - we're astronauts too'
It takes up to 20 days, and can be deadly – but everyday hundreds try to cross the border between Panama...
Darien Gap: The 'forgotten' migrant crisis at Panama-Colombia border
The broadcaster says it is investigating whether the hack was "the work of a foreign nation".
Channel Nine cyber-attack disrupts live broadcasts in Australia
The new Netflix show Bombay Begums puts the spotlight on menopause, but why aren't we talking about...
The Netflix show putting the spotlight on menopause
People are still being advised to minimise their journeys amid the latest easing of lockdown rules.
Covid: Outdoor meetings and sport to resume in England
A study suggests 62% of residents are protected by a single dose of the vaccines used in the UK.
Covid jab: One dose in care homes gives 'substantial' protection
Young people's lives are being put at risk without help for drugs and alcohol problems, they say.
Doctors warn against cuts to youth drug and alcohol treatment
The Australian city of about two million people is to enter a snap three-day lockdown.
from BBC News...
Brisbane lockdown: Australian city to shut down over seven cases
Move over David Brent, settle down John Betjeman, the town is going to be an environmental pioneer.
'Spongy roads' to be Slough's new claim to fame
Thousands of businesses across the country are feeling the pinch as insurers 'drag their heels' paying...
'It's do or die time for my insurer to pay up'
Seven-year-old Elizabeth built her own rocket and launched it into the sky during lockdown.
from BBC...
'Astronauts aren't just men - we're astronauts too'
Experts predict a rise in serious cancers due to deferred screenings and treatments.
from BBC News...
Covid: The pandemic's 'dramatic' effect on cancer care
Ellis Tustin, founder of Names not Numbers, explains why he thinks the UK needs a permanent memorial...
Covid: 'We need a memorial to remember'
Charities are turning to technology to help them attract more volunteers.
from BBC News - Home
'It is so easy to choose what voluntary work to do'
The Crown star's stage role in Romeo and Juliet fizzled out - but was reborn by making a TV film.
Josh O'Connor: Romeo role 'greatest experience of my career'
A US police officer is accused of killing a black man last year. Here's why the world is watching.
George Floyd: When does Derek Chauvin's trial start?
The costs are mounting as efforts to free the stranded Ever Given ship go into a sixth day.
from BBC...
The Suez Canal blockage explored in numbers
Easter trees and garden furniture are being sought out by shoppers keen to make the most of lockdown...
Easter celebrations set to rival Christmas - even down to the tree
Covid: What's happened to crime during the pandemic?
From dog theft to drug crime, lockdown has led...
Covid: What's happened to crime during the pandemic?
Black Power: A British story of resistance told through music
This time, the revolution is being televised,...
Black Power: A British story of resistance told through music
A group of charities is calling on Boris Johnson to begin donating vaccines through Covax.
from BBC...
Covid: Boris Johnson urged to share vaccines with poorer nations
Although "enormous progress" has been made, people must remain cautious, warns Prof Stephen Powis.
Covid: 'Don't squander gains,' says Prof Stephen Powis
International leaders condemn the military after Saturday's violence - the deadliest since the coup.
Myanmar coup: US 'horrified' by deadliest day since military takeover
A photograph of a "burner boy" working on a toxic dump in Ghana helped his family to find him.
Project 17: The photograph that united a family
A selection of striking images from our readers on this week's theme.
from BBC News - Home
Your pictures on the theme of 'sculpture'
Dexter used to work as a sniffer dog for the Met but he was "too sociable" for the job.
from BBC News...
How the 'world's worst sniffer dog' is helping the NHS
The team keeping the Palace of Westminster spick and span describes a year like no other.
from BBC...
Keeping Parliament clean in a pandemic
Cameras will be in court, thanks to the network behind OJ Simpson’s trial. What role will they play?
Derek Chauvin trial: Why role of TV cameras could come into focus
From dog theft to drug crime, lockdown has led to some big changes in policing.
from BBC News - Home...
Covid: What's happened to crime during the pandemic?
This time, the revolution is being televised, but it was music that gave Black Power a timeless platform.
Black Power: A British story of resistance told through music
Workers who label content and help computers understand language want their own voices to be heard.
AI: Ghost workers demand to be seen and heard
How demand for energy has been central to the development of humanity.
from BBC News - Home
The real reason humans are the dominant species
The film PS Burn This Letter Please tells untold stories from the lives of 1950s drag artists.
The lost letters that found New York drag scene's secret trailblazers
Research has shown pets can have a huge benefit to our mental health - especially this past year.
'My pet has helped me so much during the pandemic'
Firms in England with more than 10 employees that are unable to provide on-site testing can apply.
Covid: Rapid home test kits to be available for workers
Gordy says he is skating from Melbourne to Cairns but says he "didn't realise how big Australia was".
Meet the Aussie skateboarding 4,000km
Kevin and Nicci Button from Rhondda Cynon Taf have been trying for a child for more than four years.
Covid: 'Heart-breaking' wait for Rhondda couple to travel for IVF
Labour say the Senedd election leaflets backing Mark Drakeford were sent by the local party group.
Senedd 2021: Wales' first minister criticised over English-only leaflet
Unite urges workers to come forward to voice their complaints about hours, pay, targets and breaks.
Union creates hotline for disgruntled Amazon staff
Sunday's papers carry reports that a third Covid vaccine will be rolled out in the next three weeks.
The Papers: 'Moderna jabs in 3 weeks' and school abuse inquiry
A university says a butterfly found in a book could be hundreds of years old.
from BBC News - Home...
Cambridge University: Butterfly found pressed inside centuries-old book
Home-schooling around the world: How have we coped?
Indigenous children have been hit hardest and the...
Home-schooling around the world: How have we coped?
Sŵnami: 'Why can't we sing in Welsh and be successful?'
As streaming opens audiences to Welsh language...
Sŵnami: 'Why can't we sing in Welsh and be successful?'
Over-70s could get booster Covid jab from September - vaccines minister
Nadhim Zahawi said No 10 was...
Over-70s could get booster Covid jab from September - vaccines minister
'Ice-cream toothache' mystery explained
Scientists say they have worked out how teeth become sensitive...
'Ice-cream toothache' mystery explained
Batley school protests: Identifying prophet row teacher 'unacceptable'
Making a teacher fear for their...
Batley school protests: Identifying prophet row teacher 'unacceptable'
Local elections: Tories warn of post-Corbyn Labour 'bounce'
The party promises to "build back better"...
Local elections: Tories warn of post-Corbyn Labour 'bounce'
Phone companies 'must do more' to stop fraud calls
A senior law enforcement officer says the UK needs...
Phone companies 'must do more' to stop fraud calls
The president decries new state voting restrictions that he likened to past racist laws of the US South.
Biden: Georgia voting restriction law is 'atrocity'
You told us what projects kept you going in lockdown, from dancing to writing and inventing games.
Covid lockdown projects: How you danced, wrote, ran and invented games
Online conspiracy theories are exacerbating existing vaccine scepticism.
from BBC News - Home
The vaccine misinformation battle raging in France
Indigenous children have been hit hardest and the crisis has reached a "tipping point", say experts
Home-schooling around the world: How have we coped?
As streaming opens audiences to Welsh language bands, Sŵnami say it's getting easier to break through.
Sŵnami: 'Why can't we sing in Welsh and be successful?'
Nadhim Zahawi said No 10 was hoping to have eight different Covid jabs available by the autumn.
Over-70s could get booster Covid jab from September - vaccines minister
Scientists say they have worked out how teeth become sensitive and hurt with cold food and drinks.
'Ice-cream toothache' mystery explained
Making a teacher fear for their safety is "unacceptable", the equality commission chair says.
Batley school protests: Identifying prophet row teacher 'unacceptable'
The party promises to "build back better" from the pandemic as it launches its English elections push.
Local elections: Tories warn of post-Corbyn Labour 'bounce'
A senior law enforcement officer says the UK needs "a step change" in its response to fraud.
from BBC...
Phone companies 'must do more' to stop fraud calls
Can the new president match his words on the campaign trail with action?
from BBC News - Home
The challenge facing Joe Biden at the border
The three arrivals at Caenhill Countryside Centre in Wiltshire have become social media stars.
Baby goat, emu and goose make friends on Wiltshire farm
Millions of people across England are preparing for outdoor grassroots sports being allowed again from...
Covid: Grassroots sports set ready for lockdown release
The country has been disqualified for twice fielding songs deemed to have broken competition rules.
Belarus banned from Eurovision over song lyrics
The beloved writer created the feisty characters of Henry Huggins and Ramona Quimby.
from BBC News...
Beverly Cleary, children's author behind Ramona Quimby, dies aged 104
Some of Saturday's papers look ahead to lockdown rules easing for millions in England on Monday.
The Papers: 'Over-70s autumn booster' and shops 'open till 10'
UK professor shared info with fake Russian agent
Paul McKeigue shared information with a man who hinted...
UK professor shared info with fake Russian agent
Covid: BAME doctors 'still waiting for risk checks'
Many say key risk assessments have either not taken...
Covid: BAME doctors 'still waiting for risk checks'
US and UK ratchet up sanctions on Myanmar's military
A row over a Yangon development reflects a confused...
US and UK ratchet up sanctions on Myanmar's military
999 response officers receive extra psychological support
Police forces are offering extra psychological...
999 response officers receive extra psychological support
Winslet's same-sex role 'simply a love story'
Oscar winning actress Kate Winslet’s latest role sees...
Winslet's same-sex role 'simply a love story'
Promising Young Woman: Carey Mulligan film 'deeply troubling'
Promising Young Woman, starring Carey...
Promising Young Woman: Carey Mulligan film 'deeply troubling'
Coronavirus and shielding: 'I've only left my home five times this year'
Michaela Hollywood led a jet-set...
Coronavirus and shielding: 'I've only left my home five times this year'
Some people have been housed after years on the streets, but others still face uncertainty.
from BBC...
Rough sleepers: Long-term housing 'varies by area'
Ppost-Brexit security arrangements are "complex and untested", a House of Lords report warns.
Brexit: UK lost 'significant' access to EU policing data under deal, report warns
An industry source says they expect the government to require hauliers entering the UK to be tested.
Hauliers 'must expect Covid test to enter UK'
Paul McKeigue shared information with a man who hinted he was a Russian agent, to discredit an NGO.
UK professor shared info with fake Russian agent
Many say key risk assessments have either not taken place or have not been acted on.
from BBC News...
Covid: BAME doctors 'still waiting for risk checks'
A row over a Yangon development reflects a confused international response to the coup in Myanmar.
US and UK ratchet up sanctions on Myanmar's military
Police forces are offering extra psychological support to 999 response officers.
from BBC News - Home...
999 response officers receive extra psychological support
Oscar winning actress Kate Winslet’s latest role sees her as the 19th century fossil hunter Mary Anning.
Winslet's same-sex role 'simply a love story'
Promising Young Woman, starring Carey Mulligan, is a dark and twisted take on "hook-up culture".
Promising Young Woman: Carey Mulligan film 'deeply troubling'
Michaela Hollywood led a jet-set lifestyle until coronavirus hit, then she had to shield.
from BBC...
Coronavirus and shielding: 'I've only left my home five times this year'
As Bangladesh turns 50, a UK-Bangladeshi reflects on how climate change affects his parent's country.
Why my ancestral home could be lost to climate change
Software developers are in high demand and well paid, but how do you break into the industry?
Learning to code 'will seriously change your life'
Tougher policies and deaths on the road are unlikely to stop Guatemalans from trying to reach the US.
US immigration: The suffocated youth unafraid of a perilous journey
Claims of rape, sexual abuse and misogyny have been made by pupils at several independent schools.
Schools 'must involve police' in rape claims
Accommodation provided by groups with no expertise could be dangerous, women's organisations warn.
Domestic abuse: Women 'could die in unregulated refuges'
People being offered boosters to protect against new Covid strains features on Friday's front pages.
The Papers: UK 'plans October booster jab' and pub passport 'fury'
KSI: 'I was struggling to sell tickets to gigs in 2019'
Newsbeat speaks to one of YouTube's biggest...
KSI: 'I was struggling to sell tickets to gigs in 2019'
Coronavirus: Locked down with Mum and Dad
Many young people returned to live with their parents during...
Coronavirus: Locked down with Mum and Dad
Nagorno-Karabakh: The mystery of the missing church
The BBC investigates the disappearance of an Armenian...
Nagorno-Karabakh: The mystery of the missing church
What can Joe Biden really change at the border?
An increase in migrants is testing the new administration's...
What can Joe Biden really change at the border?
Covid: The bus journey that saved hundreds of thousands of lives
A conversation on a bus led to the...
Covid: The bus journey that saved hundreds of thousands of lives
'My father, the killer'
Some of the children of men who helped to "disappear" thousands of Argentines...
'My father, the killer'
Polling expert Professor John Curtice looks at the issues that will decide the Scottish Parliament election...
Holyrood election 2021: The 'intense' battle for every vote in Scotland
Restrictions on movement and a rise in cyber-stalking fuel a surge of calls to a national helpline.
Stalking victims ‘sitting ducks’ in lockdown, say Suzy Lamplugh Trust
A rare environment on Australia's Lord Howe Island has faced a complex battle for survival.
from BBC...
Lord Howe Island: Saving an Australian paradise's 'cloud forest'
Tree felling is helping to restore an ancient ecosystem which can store even more carbon than trees...
Why cutting down trees can be good for the climate
Newsbeat speaks to one of YouTube's biggest stars about what's next after selling out his 2021 tour.
KSI: 'I was struggling to sell tickets to gigs in 2019'
Many young people returned to live with their parents during the pandenic. How's it going, a year on?
Coronavirus: Locked down with Mum and Dad
The BBC investigates the disappearance of an Armenian church that changed hands in the recent Nagorno-Karabakh...
Nagorno-Karabakh: The mystery of the missing church
An increase in migrants is testing the new administration's promises on immigration.
from BBC News...
What can Joe Biden really change at the border?
A conversation on a bus led to the setting up of the Recovery trial, leading to treatments for Covid.
Covid: The bus journey that saved hundreds of thousands of lives
Some of the children of men who helped to "disappear" thousands of Argentines in the 1970s and 80s are...
'My father, the killer'
You Broke Me First was one of 2020's biggest break-out hits, but Tate McRae never intended to be a pop...
Tate McRae's journey from ballet school to pop stardom
Compare where the parties stand on key issues - from Covid-19 and the NHS to education and the environment.
Scotland election 2021: Who should I vote for? Compare party policies
The Covid pandemic and last summer's social unrest has inspired more Americans to take up hunting.
'I have learned how to survive with a bow and arrow'
Pyongyang is banned from testing such missiles, which were launched into the Sea of Japan.
from BBC...
North Korea fires two ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan
Five months after hospital treatment, 70% of patients studied had still not fully recovered.
from BBC...
Middle-aged women 'worst affected by long Covid', studies find
Julie Pomagalski, 40, was swept away while skiing off-piste on a mountain in Switzerland.
from BBC...
Julie Pomagalski, French former snowboard world champion, dies in Swiss avalanche
Thursday's papers look at the prospect of pub goers needing proof of a Covid vaccination to gain entry.
The Papers: 'No jab no pint' and EU vaccine 'peace deal' with UK
Amid nationwide rallies against anti-Asian hate crimes, we ask what it is like to be an Asian woman...
Anti-Asian hate: 'Try to be brave and stand up'
Woody's inspirational lockdown quotes have been turned into artwork by his dad.
from BBC News - Home...
Autistic boy's lockdown quotes turned into art
In an interview with the BBC, Russia’s entrant for the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 has spoken of the...
Russia's Tajik-born Eurovision star on the abuse she's received
Four staff from University Hospital Southampton reflect on the last year on their home and work lives.
Lockdown anniversary: Hospital workers on a year of Covid
Compare where the parties stand on key issues - from Covid-19 and the NHS to education and the environment.
Wales election 2021: Who should I vote for? Compare party policies
As first-year Goldman Sachs analysts ask for a cap on their hours, four BBC News readers share their...
'I was working 72 hours a week - it was cult-like'
A report by MPs and peers is calling on ministers to reconnect communities and combat loneliness after...
Loneliness: 'Alone is ok, but being lonely - it hurts'
If you've spent lockdown looking for jobs, you're not alone... But help is here.
from BBC News - Home...
Lockdown job-hunting: ‘I’ve applied for over 300 jobs’
A bumper crop of elections are being held on 6 May across England, Scotland and Wales.
from BBC News...
2021 elections: A really simple guide
Rob Costigan fought desperately to save his home from fires last year - now it's been destroyed by floods.
Australia floods: 'Saving a home from fires to lose it in floods'
Half a century after its birth, millions are no longer in poverty - but democratic space has shrunk.
Fears for democracy as buoyant Bangladesh turns 50
Child abuse: Warning of siblings being groomed online
The rise of livestreaming platforms is making...
Child abuse: Warning of siblings being groomed online
UK seeks to drill more oil and gas from North Sea
More oil and gas wells are to be drilled in the North...
UK seeks to drill more oil and gas from North Sea
Egypt's Suez Canal blocked by large container ship
Several tug boats are deployed to shift the vessel,...
Egypt's Suez Canal blocked by large container ship
Kill the Bill Bristol protests: Police action at demo
Police officers arrest demonstrators protesting...
Kill the Bill Bristol protests: Police action at demo
Israel election: Netanyahu claims 'huge win' for right-wing parties
Exit polls suggest the PM may still...
Israel election: Netanyahu claims 'huge win' for right-wing parties
The Papers: PM's Covid 'regrets' and children in line for August jab
Wednesday's front pages reflect...
The Papers: PM's Covid 'regrets' and children in line for August jab
The rise of livestreaming platforms is making it easier for paedophiles to target children, experts...
Child abuse: Warning of siblings being groomed online
More oil and gas wells are to be drilled in the North Sea, the UK government announces.
from BBC News...
UK seeks to drill more oil and gas from North Sea
Several tug boats are deployed to shift the vessel, which is causing a build-up of shipping traffic.
Egypt's Suez Canal blocked by large container ship
Police officers arrest demonstrators protesting in the city centre at the new police bill.
from BBC...
Kill the Bill Bristol protests: Police action at demo
Exit polls suggest the PM may still fall short of a majority after the fourth election in two years.
Israel election: Netanyahu claims 'huge win' for right-wing parties
Wednesday's front pages reflect on the country's tributes to those who died in the pandemic.
from BBC...
The Papers: PM's Covid 'regrets' and children in line for August jab
It's a year to the day since the first UK-wide coronavirus lockdown was announced.
from BBC News -...
Covid-19: One year of lockdowns across the UK
Four mums share their experiences of having a baby amid coronavirus lockdown restrictions.
from BBC...
Lockdown newborns: 'A crazy year to bring a baby into the world'
A television station in Afghanistan has sent all of its female employees home after four were killed...
Afghanistan: The women killed for working at a TV station.
It may be a remote island, but there is a reason why Iceland is proud of its success in tackling the...
How Iceland clamped down to conquer coronavirus
A public inquiry has questioned employees of the metals firm that supplied cladding for Grenfell.
Grenfell Tower inquiry: 9 things we now know about the cladding
Defence spending is going up, but the number of soldiers in the Army is going to fall.
from BBC News...
What is happening to the size of the Army?
She has continued to call for safe water in the decades since the major case in the town of Hinkley.
Erin Brockovich: California water battle 'woke me up'
Firms are using fermentation to produce honey and milk and say they can match the taste of the real...
Making honey without bees and milk without cows
Dan Gertler formed a close relationship with DR Congo's ex-leader, even getting a diplomatic passport.
Dan Gertler: The man at the centre of DR Congo corruption allegations
'Kardashian clones' jibes teacher struck off
Alexander Price, 43, made the comments in his anonymous...
'Kardashian clones' jibes teacher struck off
Congo-Brazzaville: Guy-Brice Parfait Kolélas dies from Covid on poll day
Congo-Brazzaville's main opposition...
Congo-Brazzaville: Guy-Brice Parfait Kolélas dies from Covid on poll day
Covid: Penguins' move from Isle of Man to Northern Ireland 'a miracle'
Covid rules force keepers to...
Covid: Penguins' move from Isle of Man to Northern Ireland 'a miracle'
Covid Isle of Man: Four weeks in jail for man who ignored Covid rules
Christopher Christian is handed...
Covid Isle of Man: Four weeks in jail for man who ignored Covid rules
Watch: Goalkeeper scores from own box in Portugal
Watch the moment Varzim goalkeeper Ricardo Nunes scores...
Watch: Goalkeeper scores from own box in Portugal
Child migrants: First photos emerge of Biden-era detention centres
Images show children huddled together...
Child migrants: First photos emerge of Biden-era detention centres
The Papers: 'Travel ban extended' and 'a day to reflect' on lockdown
Britons facing tighter travel restrictions...
The Papers: 'Travel ban extended' and 'a day to reflect' on lockdown
Alexander Price, 43, made the comments in his anonymous gossip blog about Denbigh High School.
'Kardashian clones' jibes teacher struck off
Congo-Brazzaville's main opposition presidential candidate was being sent to France for treatment.
Congo-Brazzaville: Guy-Brice Parfait Kolélas dies from Covid on poll day
Covid rules force keepers to move 14 birds across four countries to get to their new home.
from BBC...
Covid: Penguins' move from Isle of Man to Northern Ireland 'a miracle'
Christopher Christian is handed four weeks in jail after visiting a shop to buy mobile phone credit.
Covid Isle of Man: Four weeks in jail for man who ignored Covid rules
Watch the moment Varzim goalkeeper Ricardo Nunes scores with a huge punt during his team's 2-0 win over...
Watch: Goalkeeper scores from own box in Portugal
Images show children huddled together on the floor under foil blankets at a facility in Texas.
Child migrants: First photos emerge of Biden-era detention centres
Britons facing tighter travel restrictions makes the front of some newspapers on the anniversary of...
The Papers: 'Travel ban extended' and 'a day to reflect' on lockdown
Covid survivor Scott Howell thanks hospital staff for saving his life
A year after being put on a ventilator,...
Covid survivor Scott Howell thanks hospital staff for saving his life
A review of the UK's defence policy sees new investment in cyber warfare, robotics and drones.
Defence review: Army 'to be reduced by 10,000 troops'
Supermarkets can sell non-essential items and garden centres can open from Monday.
from BBC News -...
Covid: Supermarket limits lifted as lockdown in Wales eases
A scheme offering people up to £10,000 for insulation has only reached 10% of its target, MPs say.
Green plan to upgrade homes was 'botched', say MPs
The health service has seen drastic change, including video consultations and leaps in research.
Covid: NHS staff say change was the silver lining of the pandemic
The ex-US president, banned by Twitter and Facebook, will launch "his own platform", an aide says.
Donald Trump plans social media comeback, says adviser
The Brazilian president says it is now time to reopen the economy, despite a surge in infections.
Brazil president rails against lockdown 'tyrants'
The outgoing central bank chief is the third exit in under two years under Turkey's President Erdogan.
Turkish lira falls 14% after bank governor sacked
For voters in Mitzpe Ramon, Tuesday's poll means keeping or casting out Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu.
Israel election hopes and fears play out in crater town
Exhausted animals have been pulled from swollen rivers, beaches and flooded suburbs.
from BBC News...
Australia floods: Cows rescued from swollen rivers and beaches
A year after being put on a ventilator, Scott Howell returned to the hospital where he was treated.
Covid survivor Scott Howell thanks hospital staff for saving his life
With houseplant sales booming, expert Giacomo Plazzotta offers tips for keeping them healthy.
How can I stop my houseplants dying?
Twitch streamer, Kitboga, says he wanted to stop con artists trying to steal from people.
from BBC...
Kitboga: How AI is helping me waste scammers’ time
Former fighters are embracing peace in Mindanao in the Philippines, in the hope of ending decades of...
The former fighters embracing peace in the Philippines Mindanao region
A woman who rescues stolen pets says the crime has "rocketed out of control" during lockdown.
Dog thefts: The woman who rescues stolen dogs
The writers behind All on the Board pay tribute to Londoners on the eve of the anniversary of the start...
One Year On: A pandemic poem for Londoners
A year into the pandemic, we look at countries that have had some success in tackling the virus.
Covid: The countries that nailed it, and what we can learn from them
People on the financial precipice are disproportionately likely to be unemployed, renting, female, and...
Covid inequality: No vaccination for poverty in a pandemic
Thousands of women are sharing their photos in ripped jeans on social media - but why?
from BBC News...
Why India is talking about ripped jeans and knees
With online returns soaring during the pandemic, tech firms are helping retailers deal with the rise.
'I’ll buy five items and only keep one of them'
Simona Camosci wrote the song in the first Covid wave, and now she and her colleagues have released...
Coronavirus: Covid nurses' song of hope from Italy
The Papers: 'Tussle' over Covid vaccines, and fiery protest pictures
Brussels' threat to ban AstraZeneca...
The Papers: 'Tussle' over Covid vaccines, and fiery protest pictures
Brussels' threat to ban AstraZeneca Covid vaccine exports to Britain dominates Monday's front pages.
The Papers: 'Tussle' over Covid vaccines, and fiery protest pictures
The former cabinet minister says the Labour leader still has the "2019 manifesto round his neck".
Mandelson urges Starmer to begin Labour policy review
More Sydney areas ordered to evacuate over major flooding risk
Officials say anyone living in low-lying...
More Sydney areas ordered to evacuate over major flooding risk
Pakistan: Two men sentenced to death for motorway rape
Abid Mehli and Shafqat Ali raped a woman stranded...
Pakistan: Two men sentenced to death for motorway rape
Coronavirus: 'I isolated with mum for her last 14 days'
A daughter's story of how she moved into a cancer...
Coronavirus: 'I isolated with mum for her last 14 days'
Coronavirus: The Indian factory making 6,000 syringes a minute
One of the world's biggest syringe makers...
Coronavirus: The Indian factory making 6,000 syringes a minute
North Korea’s ‘only openly gay defector’ finds love
Jang Yeong-jin fled North Korea to escape a loveless...
North Korea’s ‘only openly gay defector’ finds love
How many violent attacks and sexual assaults on women are there?
The disappearance of Sarah Everard...
How many violent attacks and sexual assaults on women are there?
Sir Keir Starmer: His first year as Labour leader
Supporters and critics assess Sir Keir's leadership,...
Sir Keir Starmer: His first year as Labour leader
The website helping to sell homes with a bloody past
How homes formerly owned by fighters in Colombia's...
The website helping to sell homes with a bloody past
Mozambique conflict: Why are US forces there?
Islamic militants operating in the north have been the...
Mozambique conflict: Why are US forces there?
Myanmar coup: Tales from the streets of sacrifice and fear
Thousands are making difficult choices to...
Myanmar coup: Tales from the streets of sacrifice and fear
Officials say anyone living in low-lying areas of the city must leave as torrential rains continue.
More Sydney areas ordered to evacuate over major flooding risk
Abid Mehli and Shafqat Ali raped a woman stranded on a motorway in front of her children last year.
Pakistan: Two men sentenced to death for motorway rape
A daughter's story of how she moved into a cancer hospice with her mother during the pandemic.
Coronavirus: 'I isolated with mum for her last 14 days'
One of the world's biggest syringe makers has ramped up production to meet the Covid demand.
from BBC...
Coronavirus: The Indian factory making 6,000 syringes a minute
Jang Yeong-jin fled North Korea to escape a loveless marriage. Now he is engaged to his boyfriend.
North Korea’s ‘only openly gay defector’ finds love
The disappearance of Sarah Everard has led to a conversation about the violence faced by women.
How many violent attacks and sexual assaults on women are there?
Supporters and critics assess Sir Keir's leadership, against a backdrop of the Covid crisis and party...
Sir Keir Starmer: His first year as Labour leader
How homes formerly owned by fighters in Colombia's armed conflict are auctioned to benefit victims.
The website helping to sell homes with a bloody past
Islamic militants operating in the north have been the cause of growing concern in the region.
Mozambique conflict: Why are US forces there?
Thousands are making difficult choices to protest against military rule. What are their stories?
Myanmar coup: Tales from the streets of sacrifice and fear
There are three options in the US, and some are turning their nose up at one of them.
from BBC News...
Covid vaccines: Why some Americans are choosy about their jab
The Observer and the Sunday Mirror lead on claims of wrongdoing against police officers.
from BBC News...
The Papers: Police abuse claims and peers that are 'born to rule'
Some on the islands are looking to the Faroes for inspiration in tackling transport issues.
from BBC...
Do the Shetland Islands need a tunnel vision?
The reality behind Russia's pandemic is most likely to be found in its excessive mortality rates.
Coronavirus: How Russia glosses over its Covid death toll
Lack of support for "unfashionable" industry could put 24,000 jobs at risk and leave vulnerable passengers...
Coach Holidays: 'More than a business, we're family'
A BBC team gets a glimpse of the human cost of the recent fighting in Tigray.
from BBC News - Home...
Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: A rare view inside the conflict zone
Why the referendum everyone's forgotten shaped the last decade of our lives.
from BBC News - Home
The forgotten referendum of 2011
Taiwan fights back against Chinese curbs on the export of their fruit - with plenty of support.
China and Taiwan face off in pineapple war
Police comments about the alleged gunman's motive have sparked outrage. We asked experts to weigh in.
Atlanta spa shootings: How we talk about violence
Covid: Rich states 'block' vaccine plans for developing nations
Vaccine production proposals are being...
Covid: Rich states 'block' vaccine plans for developing nations
The Papers: Alarm over Europe's new wave and leaders 'on wanted list'
Boris Johnson is pictured on several...
The Papers: Alarm over Europe's new wave and leaders 'on wanted list'
Volcano erupts near Iceland's capital Reykjavik
Officials are warning the public of the risk of falling...
Volcano erupts near Iceland's capital Reykjavik
Man jailed for £175,000 Riyad Mahrez bank card spending spree
The Manchester City winger took a month...
Man jailed for £175,000 Riyad Mahrez bank card spending spree
French drugs haul 'was strawberry Haribo'
Paris police this week claimed a major drugs haul - but it...
French drugs haul 'was strawberry Haribo'
Covid-19: Ireland to resume Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine rollout
The Republic's health minister says administration...
Covid-19: Ireland to resume Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine rollout
Viral video exposes inequality in NCAA college basketball
A widely shared TikTok that contrasted conditions...
Viral video exposes inequality in NCAA college basketball
Glastonbury Festival site 'may open for concert and camping'
Organisers are working on plans for a one-off...
Glastonbury Festival site 'may open for concert and camping'
Vaccine production proposals are being stalled, WHO documents leaked to BBC Newsnight show.
from BBC...
Covid: Rich states 'block' vaccine plans for developing nations
Boris Johnson is pictured on several front pages getting a first dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab.
The Papers: Alarm over Europe's new wave and leaders 'on wanted list'
Officials are warning the public of the risk of falling rocks and landslides as Fagradalsfjall erupts.
Volcano erupts near Iceland's capital Reykjavik
The Manchester City winger took a month to realise his bank card was being used, a court hears.
Man jailed for £175,000 Riyad Mahrez bank card spending spree
Paris police this week claimed a major drugs haul - but it wasn't what it first seemed to be.
French drugs haul 'was strawberry Haribo'
The Republic's health minister says administration of the Covid-19 vaccine will resume this weekend.
Covid-19: Ireland to resume Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine rollout
A widely shared TikTok that contrasted conditions for men and women players has provoked outcry.
Viral video exposes inequality in NCAA college basketball
Organisers are working on plans for a one-off concert and to let people camp on the site this summer.
Glastonbury Festival site 'may open for concert and camping'
This is the first high-level face-to-face meeting between the Biden administration and Beijing.
US and China trade angry barbs at high-level Alaska talks
Why Australian women are saying 'enough is enough'
Australian politics is often called toxic to women...
Why Australian women are saying 'enough is enough'
Gigabit broadband: First areas to benefit announced
Government announces first stages of plans to get...
Gigabit broadband: First areas to benefit announced
Families facing special education needs 'postcode lottery'
Support for pupils varies according to which...
Families facing special education needs 'postcode lottery'
Imprisonment for Public Protection jail terms 'a death sentence'
One offender who has been in prison...
Imprisonment for Public Protection jail terms 'a death sentence'
Coronavirus: The student nurses behind the masks
Nursing students graduating in 2021 have trained in...
Coronavirus: The student nurses behind the masks
Coronavirus lockdown: Life in the UK, one year on
A year after the coronavirus lockdown in the UK, two...
Coronavirus lockdown: Life in the UK, one year on
Children’s Commissioner: Bereaved students need more help
The new Children’s Commissioner says the way...
Children’s Commissioner: Bereaved students need more help
How Covid has changed where we want to live
Cornwall has overtaken London as the most searched for location...
How Covid has changed where we want to live
The 'insane' money in trading collectible cards
Prices of collectible cards are soaring and new digital...
The 'insane' money in trading collectible cards
Nevada smart city: A millionaire’s plan to create a local government
Jeffrey Berns wants to build a...
Nevada smart city: A millionaire’s plan to create a local government
Australian politics is often called toxic to women - now rape allegations have ignited national fury.
Why Australian women are saying 'enough is enough'
Government announces first stages of plans to get superfast broadband to the majority of UK homes.
Gigabit broadband: First areas to benefit announced
Support for pupils varies according to which school you attend and where you live, report suggests.
Families facing special education needs 'postcode lottery'
One offender who has been in prison all his adult life says he has been "left to rot".
from BBC News...
Imprisonment for Public Protection jail terms 'a death sentence'
Nursing students graduating in 2021 have trained in an unprecedented environment: A global pandemic.
Coronavirus: The student nurses behind the masks
A year after the coronavirus lockdown in the UK, two people reflect on how their lives have changed.
Coronavirus lockdown: Life in the UK, one year on
The new Children’s Commissioner says the way bereaved exam students are graded, needs to be changed.
Children’s Commissioner: Bereaved students need more help
Cornwall has overtaken London as the most searched for location among property buyers, data suggests.
How Covid has changed where we want to live
Prices of collectible cards are soaring and new digital products are entering the market.
from BBC...
The 'insane' money in trading collectible cards
Jeffrey Berns wants to build a tech oasis in the Nevada desert. Do others share his utopian vision?
Nevada smart city: A millionaire’s plan to create a local government
The Call Me By Your Name star denies the allegations, saying the relationship was consensual.
Armie Hammer: US actor accused of rape
Regulators backing the Covid jab and MSPs saying Nicola Sturgeon mislead their inquiry lead the papers.
The Papers: Health chiefs back Covid jab and Sturgeon in peril
US Border: Risking everything for an American dream
Thousands of migrants from Central America are making...
US Border: Risking everything for an American dream
In pictures: Hidden depths of a life lived
Photographer Laura Page challenges the stereotypes of age.
In pictures: Hidden depths of a life lived
Edward Colston: Bristol's Dolphin School changed its emblem
Bristol's Dolphin School has redesigned...
Edward Colston: Bristol's Dolphin School changed its emblem
Covid: From boom to bust - why lockdown hasn't led to more babies
Research shows that the US and parts...
Covid: From boom to bust - why lockdown hasn't led to more babies
Rebound therapy: The zero-gravity exercise that gets children screaming 'more'
Trampolines can be fun,...
Rebound therapy: The zero-gravity exercise that gets children screaming 'more'
Covid: How ethnicity and wealth affect US vaccine rollout
People belonging to ethnic minorities are...
Covid: How ethnicity and wealth affect US vaccine rollout
'We need to reflect on why women still do most of the childcare'
After a year of pandemic and lockdowns,...
'We need to reflect on why women still do most of the childcare'
Asia's richest man, a bomb scare and a murder in India
An explosives-laden car is found near Mukesh...
Asia's richest man, a bomb scare and a murder in India
The Shadow Business Secretary tells the BBC the company is too vital for the UK to collapse.
from BBC...
Liberty Steel: Nationalise company if necessary, says Ed Miliband
Sanaa Seif criticised the Egyptian authorities' handling of Covid-19 outbreaks in prisons.
from BBC...
Sanaa Seif: Egypt rights activist jailed for 'spreading false news'
Thousands of migrants from Central America are making an arduous journey to the US border.
from BBC...
US Border: Risking everything for an American dream
Photographer Laura Page challenges the stereotypes of age.
from BBC News - Home
In pictures: Hidden depths of a life lived
Bristol's Dolphin School has redesigned their emblem because of its association with Edward Colston.
Edward Colston: Bristol's Dolphin School changed its emblem
Research shows that the US and parts of Europe are facing slumps in birth rates.
from BBC News - Home...
Covid: From boom to bust - why lockdown hasn't led to more babies
Trampolines can be fun, but for those with physical and learning difficulties they can also offer a...
Rebound therapy: The zero-gravity exercise that gets children screaming 'more'
People belonging to ethnic minorities are less likely to have been vaccinated, despite being more likely...
Covid: How ethnicity and wealth affect US vaccine rollout
After a year of pandemic and lockdowns, mothers are still doing most of the childcare, a report shows.
'We need to reflect on why women still do most of the childcare'
An explosives-laden car is found near Mukesh Ambani's home in Mumbai, and its alleged owner is killed.
Asia's richest man, a bomb scare and a murder in India
Some people's human rights may have been breached during the pandemic, the care watchdog says.
Covid-19: Concern over 'do not resuscitate' decisions during pandemic
Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng wants to restore confidence in business after high profile failures...
Accountants: Government to break up dominance of Big Four firms
Redditors donate to gorilla charity, to "make a difference" to our world.
from BBC News - Home
Reddit investors adopt 3,500 gorillas in six days
Sonia Deleon's family say they would have disputed the order had they known it was put in place.
Covid-19: Sister 'written off' by do-not-resuscitate order
A UK-EU row over Covid vaccine supply leads many papers, while new asylum seeker rules also feature.
The Papers: EU will 'grab your jabs' and tough migrant stance
Festivals 2021: Which ones are still going ahead?
Glastonbury has had to cancel, Reading & Leeds...
Festivals 2021: Which ones are still going ahead?
Syria: The scars left by a school bombing
BBC cameraman Darren Conway has returned to Syria to meet...
Syria: The scars left by a school bombing
Regent honeyeater: Endangered bird 'has forgotten its song'
The natural song of the regent honeyeater...
Regent honeyeater: Endangered bird 'has forgotten its song'
'More divisive than air strikes' - The battle over LTNs
The schemes were introduced to tackle increasing...
'More divisive than air strikes' - The battle over LTNs
What we wish we'd known about infertility
In the US, one in eight couples experience infertility. But...
What we wish we'd known about infertility
'The Gospel Truth?' Covid-19 vaccines and the danger of religious misinformation
Many religious leaders...
'The Gospel Truth?' Covid-19 vaccines and the danger of religious misinformation
Cladding crisis: 'Repairs could cost more than our flat is worth'
A couple paying for cladding replacement...
Cladding crisis: 'Repairs could cost more than our flat is worth'
Cheltenham Festival: 'I gambled £50,000 on a horse and lost everything'
A former teacher and cricketer...
Cheltenham Festival: 'I gambled £50,000 on a horse and lost everything'
The coffee start-ups brewing up a storm in lockdown
The pandemic has hit coffee shop chains hard, but...
The coffee start-ups brewing up a storm in lockdown
Shireen admits she "didn't really care" about her dad, until lockdown brought them closer than ever.
Covid lockdown a year on: 'My dad became my best friend'
Glastonbury has had to cancel, Reading & Leeds is going ahead. What about the rest?
from BBC News...
Festivals 2021: Which ones are still going ahead?
BBC cameraman Darren Conway has returned to Syria to meet survivors of the Iqra school bombing, the...
Syria: The scars left by a school bombing
The natural song of the regent honeyeater has essentially "disappeared" in 12% of the population.
Regent honeyeater: Endangered bird 'has forgotten its song'
The schemes were introduced to tackle increasing traffic on minor roads but some face fierce opposition.
'More divisive than air strikes' - The battle over LTNs
In the US, one in eight couples experience infertility. But a culture of silence and stigma means most...
What we wish we'd known about infertility
Many religious leaders are spreading the word that vaccines are safe and effective, but some are undermining...
'The Gospel Truth?' Covid-19 vaccines and the danger of religious misinformation
A couple paying for cladding replacement say the costs could leave them bankrupt or with crippling loans.
Cladding crisis: 'Repairs could cost more than our flat is worth'
A former teacher and cricketer is talking about his gambling addiction to help warn others.
from BBC...
Cheltenham Festival: 'I gambled £50,000 on a horse and lost everything'
The pandemic has hit coffee shop chains hard, but some smaller businesses are thriving.
from BBC News...
The coffee start-ups brewing up a storm in lockdown
A look at the tensions between the superpowers as delegates gather for a meeting in Alaska.
from BBC...
US-China relations: Beyond the 'Cold War' cliche
A new law aims to close a loophole that is the only remaining way for LGBT people to adopt children.
LGBT rights: New threat for Poland's 'rainbow families'
MPs praise the government's Everyone In scheme, but say it "exposed the scale of the task" at hand.
Coronavirus exposed 'much larger' rough sleeping issue, says committee
With uncertainty over teachers' grades for A-levels, a warning against "over-recruiting" is issued.
Universities told not to swamp courses with students
Football Index collapse: 'I lost £4,000 in seven days'
Users of the betting company say they have lost...
Football Index collapse: 'I lost £4,000 in seven days'
Covid: Charities warn cancer death rate could rise
Nearly 50 cancer charities send a stark warning about...
Covid: Charities warn cancer death rate could rise
'The last year for theatre has been hell'
One year since UK theatres were forced to shut, industry figures...
'The last year for theatre has been hell'
France to return Klimt painting sold under duress during Nazi era
A Jewish family was forced to sell...
France to return Klimt painting sold under duress during Nazi era
How Meghan and Harry interview felt familiar to biracial people
The Meghan Markle and Prince Harry interview...
How Meghan and Harry interview felt familiar to biracial people
South Korean artist highlights gay rights in military
Artist and activist Jeram Kang was sexually harassed...
South Korean artist highlights gay rights in military
Why are flowers getting more expensive?
Increased demand, Brexit costs and Covid-related supply issues...