Archive for April 2021
Covid: Australians could face jail or fines if they return from India
Australia makes it temporarily...
Covid: Australians could face jail or fines if they return from India
Florida plans to fine social media for banning politicians
The Florida bill proposes fines up to $250,000...
Florida plans to fine social media for banning politicians
Do you know where plastic waste in the oceans is coming from?
The Ocean Cleanup suggests plastic pollution...
Do you know where plastic waste in the oceans is coming from?
Covid-19: Campaign for St Paul's memorial to virus victims
It would see an online book of remembrance...
Covid-19: Campaign for St Paul's memorial to virus victims
HMS Unicorn goes under the microscope for preservation project
A major survey of HMS Unicorn is under...
HMS Unicorn goes under the microscope for preservation project
Planning my 'big Greek wedding' in a pandemic
Restrictions on wedding guest numbers are due to be lifted...
Planning my 'big Greek wedding' in a pandemic
Week in pictures: 24 - 30 April 2021
A selection of powerful images taken around the world this week.
Week in pictures: 24 - 30 April 2021
Long-distance relationships are tough - but lockdown helped this couple
"In the first lockdown we couldn't...
Long-distance relationships are tough - but lockdown helped this couple
Bobby Sands: The hunger strike that changed the course of N Ireland's conflict
A hunger strike in which...
Bobby Sands: The hunger strike that changed the course of N Ireland's conflict
Britney Spears: Does the latest documentary tell us anything new?
Another new documentary examining...
Britney Spears: Does the latest documentary tell us anything new?
Australia makes it temporarily illegal to return from India, which is being ravaged by Covid-19.
Covid: Australians could face jail or fines if they return from India
The Florida bill proposes fines up to $250,000 per day for companies which violate the rules.
Florida plans to fine social media for banning politicians
The Ocean Cleanup suggests plastic pollution comes from more rivers in the world than previously thought.
Do you know where plastic waste in the oceans is coming from?
It would see an online book of remembrance installed in a new structure at the cathedral.
from BBC...
Covid-19: Campaign for St Paul's memorial to virus victims
A major survey of HMS Unicorn is under way in Dundee as part of a major preservation project.
HMS Unicorn goes under the microscope for preservation project
Restrictions on wedding guest numbers are due to be lifted on 21 June, but couples are still anxious.
Planning my 'big Greek wedding' in a pandemic
A selection of powerful images taken around the world this week.
from BBC News - Home
Week in pictures: 24 - 30 April 2021
"In the first lockdown we couldn't see each other. This is round two, just an ocean apart."
from BBC...
Long-distance relationships are tough - but lockdown helped this couple
A hunger strike in which 10 IRA prisoners died was a watershed in the Troubles, says Peter Taylor.
Bobby Sands: The hunger strike that changed the course of N Ireland's conflict
Another new documentary examining the singer's conservatorship is released this weekend.
from BBC News...
Britney Spears: Does the latest documentary tell us anything new?
As the pandemic continues to devastate, one Asian island has emerged as the best place to ride it out.
Singapore: What's it like in the best place to live during Covid?
Aaron Scullion was homeless at 21 but he now has a job and home and is voting for the first time.
Election 2021: 'I was homeless now I'm voting for the first time'
A slow vaccine roll out, no lockdown and large gatherings are concerning doctors in Pakistan.
Covid: Pakistan fears 'Impending doom' threatens Pakistan
Local residents tested out the 500m walkway, which spans a gorge in Portugal's Arouca Geopark.
World's longest pedestrian suspension bridge to open in Portugal
Nine out of every 10 people aged 45 and over have now had a jab in England, NHS officials say.
Covid vaccine offered to 40-year-olds in England
Lawyers release a photo of the British socialite with what looks like bruising under her left eye.
Ghislaine Maxwell: Lawyers release photo that shows bruised face
The universities watchdog received 2,604 complaints in 2020, with £742,132 paid as compensation.
Student university complaints reach highest level
Bradley Walsh will host popular the resurrected game show after the success of a festive special.
Bradley to host BBC's new Blankety Blank series
Some venues may have to limit their opening hours after more than one in ten hospitality workers left...
Restaurants struggle to find staff ahead of reopening
Research suggests the number of shop vacancies has risen again, with the North of England worse hit.
One in seven shops lie empty after lockdown
The BBC accompanies a school teacher back to a village in St Vincent's restricted volcano-damaged 'red...
'Heartbreaking' return to St Vincent's volcano-hit 'red zone'
Photos of England's popular coastal communities seen from the air during the 20th Century.
from BBC...
England's 20th Century coastal communities seen from above
Illustrator and cartoonist Henny Beaumont on why she's memorialising female victims of violence.
Henny Beaumont: Painting the female victims of violence
The 16-year-old's albinism led to her being abandoned as a baby but she is now a successful model.
Xueli Abbing: The abandoned baby who became a Vogue model
With controversy over the Downing Street flat redecoration, how much does the prime minister earn?
Boris Johnson flat row: What do we know about the PM’s finances?
Frontman Mike Kerr says he ditched dozens of songs after watching tribute act Royal Monster in 2018.
How a cover band inspired Royal Blood's new music
The BBC talks to the volunteers running free workshops to help consumers fix broken gadgets.
from BBC...
'It's your device, you should be able to repair it'
Australians in India are the latest group to feel abandoned by their government amid virus fears.
Australians stuck overseas 'abandoned' by their own country
A coalition is calling for action from governments as victims describe crippling cyber-attacks.
The ransomware surge ruining lives
A nurse at the forefront of the battle against India's deadly second Covid wave shares her story.
India Covid: A nurse's story of fighting the virus
Israel stampede: Dozens killed in crush at religious festival
Emergency services confirm dozens have...
Israel stampede: Dozens killed in crush at religious festival
Amazon hopes pandemic habits stick after profits triple
The tech giant may be entering a "golden age"...
Amazon hopes pandemic habits stick after profits triple
The Papers: 'Strictly want Carrie' and Clarke denies claims
Friday's papers continue to report the row...
The Papers: 'Strictly want Carrie' and Clarke denies claims
Emergency services confirm dozens have been killed and many more wounded in north-east Israel.
Israel stampede: Dozens killed in crush at religious festival
The tech giant may be entering a "golden age" as the pandemic boosts its range of businesses.
Amazon hopes pandemic habits stick after profits triple
Friday's papers continue to report the row over the PM's flat - and allegations against actor Noel Clarke.
The Papers: 'Strictly want Carrie' and Clarke denies claims
Man sentenced for blinding motorcyclist with egg in Wigston
Marc Toone lost the sight in his right eye...
Man sentenced for blinding motorcyclist with egg in Wigston
eBay launches new trainer authentication scheme
A new authentication scheme is launching in the UK to...
eBay launches new trainer authentication scheme
The Troubles: Searching for the 'angel' who saved my life
Peter was shot and paralysed during Northern...
The Troubles: Searching for the 'angel' who saved my life
Silverdale stink: 'My house and children's toys all smell of landfill'
Residents living near a Silverdale...
Silverdale stink: 'My house and children's toys all smell of landfill'
Patients will be selected randomly to measure how successful vaping can be in helping people to quit.
Free e-cigarettes for smokers in A&E trial
Most students back an assessment for students to show they "fully understand" consent, says survey.
Students want sexual consent test in university
The NSPCC says the figures echo fears that lockdown school closures left children more vulnerable.
NSPCC child abuse helpline has record call numbers in pandemic
The virus is spreading to remote corners of India where healthcare is poor and the crisis under-reported.
India Covid-19: Deadly second wave spreads from cities to small towns
The highest mountain in Wales, Snowdon - also known as Yr Wyddfa - stands at 3,560ft (1,085m).
Call for Snowdon to only be known by Welsh name Yr Wyddfa
In 2013 Wayne LaPierre was filmed repeatedly shooting an elephant, struggling to kill it.
from BBC...
NRA's Wayne LaPierre elephant hunt video sparks outrage
Marc Toone lost the sight in his right eye after being hit with an egg thrown from a car.
from BBC...
Man sentenced for blinding motorcyclist with egg in Wigston
A new authentication scheme is launching in the UK to help spot counterfeit trainers.
from BBC News...
eBay launches new trainer authentication scheme
Peter was shot and paralysed during Northern Ireland's Troubles. He is now hoping to find Betsy, the...
The Troubles: Searching for the 'angel' who saved my life
Residents living near a Silverdale landfill site say their physical and mental health is suffering.
Silverdale stink: 'My house and children's toys all smell of landfill'
More than 1,000 people have used the service being offered by one Gurdwara in Uttar Pradesh.
from BBC...
Covid in India: Sikh temple offers drive-through oxygen
A bumper crop of elections are being held on 6 May across England, Scotland and Wales.
from BBC News...
2021 elections: A simple guide to the Scottish, Welsh and local elections
Zac Easter killed himself at the age of 24, having suffered for years from a debilitating disease caused...
Zac Easter: He left his brain behind to save others from his fate
Many Afghan refugees who spent years stranded in Indonesia awaiting resettlement have lost hope.
The 'forgotten' Afghan refugees taking their own lives
The Awa, who have been called "the most threatened tribe on earth", face fresh challenges in Brazil.
They are killing our forest, Brazilian tribe warns
Turkey was seen as a success story early in the pandemic but now has the highest infection rate in Europe.
Covid: Turkey prepares for its first full lockdown
Martin Compston, who plays DI Steve Arnott, reveals what happens off-screen on the hit drama.
Line Of Duty: 'My favourite thing is reading the wild fan theories'
UK property transactions in March 2021 were at their highest level since records began in 2005, according...
Housing: 'Trying to buy in this market is painful'
Firms have been holding away days online to boost morale and team sprit during the pandemic.
from BBC...
Why virtual away days may be here to stay
People without internet access were most likely to be aged over 65 or live in low income households.
Internet access: 1.5m UK homes still offline, Ofcom finds
Cruises around England can resume in May, and operator Fred Olsen says it's already sold two thirds...
Demand high as cruises gear up for a restart
Family-meal image wins international food photo contest
A photo of a family preparing a meal in China...
Family-meal image wins international food photo contest
Children of the 90s study: 'I feel privileged to be part of it'
In 1991, Bristol University began tracking...
Children of the 90s study: 'I feel privileged to be part of it'
Birds of Oz: The charming natives that found TikTok fame
A colourful set of Australian birds has attracted...
Birds of Oz: The charming natives that found TikTok fame
Why a US photographer says 'sorry for the war'
Peter van Agtmael chronicles the perception of the wars...
Why a US photographer says 'sorry for the war'
CEO Secrets: Why crying can help you succeed in business
Tina Chen explains how it can be tough starting...
CEO Secrets: Why crying can help you succeed in business
'This bank has changed people's lives'
Eight locations across the UK are testing ideas aimed at ensuring...
'This bank has changed people's lives'
Dog theft: Simple tips to stop your puppy being pinched
With dog thefts on the rise, here are some tips...
Dog theft: Simple tips to stop your puppy being pinched
Emilia Clarke on the book that helped her to grieve for her dad
Jenny Diski's writing was "tonic for...
Emilia Clarke on the book that helped her to grieve for her dad
Kenyans bitter over al-Qaeda US embassy compensation snub
Kenyan victims of 1998 US embassy bombing...
Kenyans bitter over al-Qaeda US embassy compensation snub
Kuwait: Murder spurs demands for greater safety for women
The killing by the woman's alleged harasser...
Kuwait: Murder spurs demands for greater safety for women
A photo of a family preparing a meal in China wins Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year 2021.
Family-meal image wins international food photo contest
In 1991, Bristol University began tracking 14,000 pregnant women - and it's still studying their children.
Children of the 90s study: 'I feel privileged to be part of it'
A colourful set of Australian birds has attracted a surprise global following on social media.
Birds of Oz: The charming natives that found TikTok fame
Peter van Agtmael chronicles the perception of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and their realities.
Why a US photographer says 'sorry for the war'
Tina Chen explains how it can be tough starting a business on your own in a new country.
from BBC News...
CEO Secrets: Why crying can help you succeed in business
Eight locations across the UK are testing ideas aimed at ensuring future access to cash for those who...
'This bank has changed people's lives'
With dog thefts on the rise, here are some tips on how you can keep your dog as safe as possible.
Dog theft: Simple tips to stop your puppy being pinched
Jenny Diski's writing was "tonic for the soul" for the Game of Thrones star after her father died.
Emilia Clarke on the book that helped her to grieve for her dad
Kenyan victims of 1998 US embassy bombing lament exclusion from $335m compensation deal.
from BBC News...
Kenyans bitter over al-Qaeda US embassy compensation snub
The killing by the woman's alleged harasser fuels outrage over women's safety in the Gulf state.
Kuwait: Murder spurs demands for greater safety for women
Musician Mon Laferte is releasing her first album since speaking out about the country's protests.
Mon Laferte: Chile's pop export on repression and injustice
The controversial routine is among the nominees for Bafta's must-see TV moment of the last year.
Bafta TV Awards: Diversity's BGT routine up for must-see moment award
Gavin Newsom was up for re-election in 2022, but will now probably face a vote this autumn.
from BBC...
Gavin Newsom: California's governor faces recall election
Ian Rivers, who escaped across Syria in 2013, will use the stars and a sextant to navigate.
from BBC...
Ex-SAS soldier from Hereford set for solo row across Atlantic
Maps, charts and graphics explaining what is happening and what the authorities are doing about it.
Covid-19 in India: Visual guide to the crisis
Uroosa Arshid says she hopes other young Muslim women may feel inspired to follow in her footsteps.
UK's first hijabi firefighter: ‘Firefighters don’t look like me’
Research shows the lockdown has had an impact on young children's language skills. How can parents help?
Recovering from lockdown: Five tips to boost your child's vocabulary
This Nigerian community still practices trade by barter, where goods are exchanged instead of money.
Nigeria: The community that trades by barter instead of money
India Covid: The messages deciding between life and death
Avani Singh was one of thousands of Indians...
India Covid: The messages deciding between life and death
Afghan interpreters rejected for resettlement 'face death' after UK exit
Campaigners say many interpreters...
Afghan interpreters rejected for resettlement 'face death' after UK exit
Electric cars: What will happen to all the dead batteries?
In the next 10 years millions of old electric...
Electric cars: What will happen to all the dead batteries?
Inside a long Covid clinic: 'I want to play with my kids again'
Croydon University Hospital's clinic...
Inside a long Covid clinic: 'I want to play with my kids again'
Belfast girl goes from Park Runs to being world's fastest at 12
Belfast girl Emer McKee says she just...
Belfast girl goes from Park Runs to being world's fastest at 12
Coronavirus: Portugal records no daily deaths for first time since August
The last time the country...
Coronavirus: Portugal records no daily deaths for first time since August
Kanye West's Yeezy trainers sell for record $1.8m
The musician's prototype trainers are the first to...
Kanye West's Yeezy trainers sell for record $1.8m
Firefighter who became defining image of mountain gorse fire
A photo of firefighter Hayley Agnew became...
Firefighter who became defining image of mountain gorse fire
Avani Singh was one of thousands of Indians who turned to social media to get help for her family.
India Covid: The messages deciding between life and death
Campaigners say many interpreters fired for trivial reasons are being unfairly barred from the UK.
Afghan interpreters rejected for resettlement 'face death' after UK exit
In the next 10 years millions of old electric car batteries will need to be recycled or discarded.
Electric cars: What will happen to all the dead batteries?
Croydon University Hospital's clinic has already seen 1,000 patients, with another 500 on the waiting...
Inside a long Covid clinic: 'I want to play with my kids again'
Belfast girl Emer McKee says she just tries to "run as fast as I can" after setting a new world 5km...
Belfast girl goes from Park Runs to being world's fastest at 12
The last time the country recorded no coronavirus-related deaths in a 24-hour period was in August.
Coronavirus: Portugal records no daily deaths for first time since August
The musician's prototype trainers are the first to fetch more than $1m at auction.
from BBC News -...
Kanye West's Yeezy trainers sell for record $1.8m
A photo of firefighter Hayley Agnew became the defining image of the Slieve Donard gorse fire.
Firefighter who became defining image of mountain gorse fire
Chloe Zhao, from 'outsider' to Hollywood history-maker
Chinese-born, British-educated, US-based Zhao...
Chloe Zhao, from 'outsider' to Hollywood history-maker
Catalytic converters: Demand for precious metals drives surge in thefts
There has been a surge in offences...
Catalytic converters: Demand for precious metals drives surge in thefts
'I will not return to work': Myanmar coup cripples healthcare system
Myanmar's medical workers are finding...
'I will not return to work': Myanmar coup cripples healthcare system
Space junk map tracks 200 ‘ticking time bombs’
Large defunct rocket bodies have the potential to break...
Space junk map tracks 200 ‘ticking time bombs’
Shops, pubs and pools reopen in Scotland
Travel restrictions are also eased, allowing people to travel...
Shops, pubs and pools reopen in Scotland
Older workers 'see biggest jobs fall since 1980s'
There were 109,000 more jobless older workers between...
Older workers 'see biggest jobs fall since 1980s'
'We do like a rave!' Inside the UK's last lesbian bars
There are only a few fixed lesbian venues left...
'We do like a rave!' Inside the UK's last lesbian bars
Chernobyl nuclear disaster: ‘Three-day evacuation lasted 35 years’
Lyudmila Honchar was four when she...
Chernobyl nuclear disaster: ‘Three-day evacuation lasted 35 years’
Cladding victims ‘let down by the system’
Bassel lost his flat in the war in Syria and is now at risk...
Cladding victims ‘let down by the system’
'Apocalyptic' landscape in aftermath of volcanic eruptions on St Vincent.
The island of St Vincent has...
'Apocalyptic' landscape in aftermath of volcanic eruptions on St Vincent.
Chinese-born, British-educated, US-based Zhao is the first woman of colour to win best director.
Chloe Zhao, from 'outsider' to Hollywood history-maker
There has been a surge in offences as thieves cash in on the precious metals they contain.
from BBC...
Catalytic converters: Demand for precious metals drives surge in thefts
Myanmar's medical workers are finding themselves torn between their patients and a military government.
'I will not return to work': Myanmar coup cripples healthcare system
Large defunct rocket bodies have the potential to break into thousands of pieces, threatening functioning...
Space junk map tracks 200 ‘ticking time bombs’
Travel restrictions are also eased, allowing people to travel between Scotland and other parts of the...
Shops, pubs and pools reopen in Scotland
There were 109,000 more jobless older workers between December and February than a year ago, a report...
Older workers 'see biggest jobs fall since 1980s'
There are only a few fixed lesbian venues left in the UK, and they are having to adapt to keep going.
'We do like a rave!' Inside the UK's last lesbian bars
Lyudmila Honchar was four when she had to leave her home in Pripyat, Ukraine after the Chernobyl nuclear...
Chernobyl nuclear disaster: ‘Three-day evacuation lasted 35 years’
Bassel lost his flat in the war in Syria and is now at risk of losing everything again, as a victim...
Cladding victims ‘let down by the system’
The island of St Vincent has been blanketed in ash, impacting infrastructure and agriculture.
'Apocalyptic' landscape in aftermath of volcanic eruptions on St Vincent.
A giant fish farm in Florida is rearing salmon for the US market in a huge indoor facility.
from BBC...
The salmon you buy in the future may be farmed on land
Some foreign companies are facing a boycott in China - they are not the first and won't be the last.
Can Western brands recover from consumer backlash in China?
Why is there is a dispute between the two tech giants and does it matter to you?
from BBC News - Home...
Facebook v Apple: The ad tracking row heats up
The Voice: Grace Holden tells of opening up about her grief
The Voice: Grace Holden tells of opening...
The Voice: Grace Holden tells of opening up about her grief
Deaths climb as India reels from deadly Covid wave
Deaths climb as India reels from deadly Covid wave
Deaths climb as India reels from deadly Covid wave
Dominic Cummings allegations: Labour calls for government to face MPs
Party wants a government minister...
Dominic Cummings allegations: Labour calls for government to face MPs
Iraq Covid hospital fire: At least 23 dead after 'oxygen tank explodes'
Flames across several floors...
Iraq Covid hospital fire: At least 23 dead after 'oxygen tank explodes'
Brazil: Environment police battle for Amazon rainforest
Riots, policy changes and funding cuts have...
Brazil: Environment police battle for Amazon rainforest
TikTok: 'My nan has helped me get millions of views'
Lewis Leigh, 19, has attracted 1.2m followers on...
TikTok: 'My nan has helped me get millions of views'
Oscars 2021: 'I don't mind being the underdog'
Irish animation studio Cartoon Saloon's latest film Wolfwalkers...
Oscars 2021: 'I don't mind being the underdog'
How Armel Zola is helping people to 'stay positive' at home
The former footballer is teaching dancing...
How Armel Zola is helping people to 'stay positive' at home
Your pictures on the theme of 'fences'
A selection of striking images from our readers on this week's...
Your pictures on the theme of 'fences'
Afghanistan War: How can the West fight terrorism after leaving?
As Western troops prepare to go, there...
Afghanistan War: How can the West fight terrorism after leaving?
The Voice: Grace Holden tells of opening up about her grief
Grace Holden found talking about her mum's...
The Voice: Grace Holden tells of opening up about her grief
Deaths climb as India reels from deadly Covid wave
Heart-wrenching images from crematoriums across the...
Deaths climb as India reels from deadly Covid wave
Party wants a government minister to face questions in the Commons amid claims by former No 10 aide.
Dominic Cummings allegations: Labour calls for government to face MPs
Flames across several floors lead to scenes of panic at a hospital in the Iraqi capital.
from BBC News...
Iraq Covid hospital fire: At least 23 dead after 'oxygen tank explodes'
Riots, policy changes and funding cuts have all threatened the mission to protect the Amazon rainforest...
Brazil: Environment police battle for Amazon rainforest
Lewis Leigh, 19, has attracted 1.2m followers on TikTok - with a little help from his family.
TikTok: 'My nan has helped me get millions of views'
Irish animation studio Cartoon Saloon's latest film Wolfwalkers is up for an Oscar on Sunday night.
Oscars 2021: 'I don't mind being the underdog'
The former footballer is teaching dancing in lockdown to young adults with Down's Syndrome.
from BBC...
How Armel Zola is helping people to 'stay positive' at home
A selection of striking images from our readers on this week's theme.
from BBC News - Home
Your pictures on the theme of 'fences'
As Western troops prepare to go, there are concerns over the future of counter-terrorism operations.
Afghanistan War: How can the West fight terrorism after leaving?
Grace Holden found talking about her mum's death hard - until she opened up about it on The Voice.
The Voice: Grace Holden tells of opening up about her grief
Heart-wrenching images from crematoriums across the country capture the true toll of the virus.
Deaths climb as India reels from deadly Covid wave
There is growing evidence notifications and too much screen time can reduce attention and productivity.
Screen time at 'breaking point' but can tech help?
Mental health: Trauma, genocide and my invisible illness
Mental health: Trauma, genocide and my invisible...
Mental health: Trauma, genocide and my invisible illness
Gregory's Girl: 'The affection for it overwhelms me'
Gregory's Girl: 'The affection for it overwhelms...
Gregory's Girl: 'The affection for it overwhelms me'
Palestinian election: Leaders face reckoning as rare vote looms
Palestinian election: Leaders face reckoning...
Palestinian election: Leaders face reckoning as rare vote looms
Covid-19: Israel records no daily deaths for the first time in 10 months
The drop in deaths is seen...
Covid-19: Israel records no daily deaths for the first time in 10 months
The Papers: Cummings' 'war' with PM and 'No masks by summer'
Saturday's front pages focus on former...
The Papers: Cummings' 'war' with PM and 'No masks by summer'
Two 13-year-old boys desperate to get a vaccine
Vaccines are currently unlicensed for the under-16s...
Two 13-year-old boys desperate to get a vaccine
George Floyd: Black Lives Matter protesters react to Chauvin conviction
Two young women who demonstrated...
George Floyd: Black Lives Matter protesters react to Chauvin conviction
Iceland volcano eruption: Music video and wedding filmed at Fagradalsfjall
How an Icelandic band and...
Iceland volcano eruption: Music video and wedding filmed at Fagradalsfjall
Tokyo Olympics: The challenges of training in a Covid pandemic
Athletes tell us what it's like training...
Tokyo Olympics: The challenges of training in a Covid pandemic
Week in pictures: 17 - 23 April 2021
A selection of powerful images taken around the world this week.
Week in pictures: 17 - 23 April 2021
Mental health: Trauma, genocide and my invisible illness
The BBC's Victoria Uwonkunda fled Rwanda in...
Mental health: Trauma, genocide and my invisible illness
Gregory's Girl: 'The affection for it overwhelms me'
The teenage romantic comedy set in a Scottish new...
Gregory's Girl: 'The affection for it overwhelms me'
Palestinian election: Leaders face reckoning as rare vote looms
After years without polls, the Palestinian...
Palestinian election: Leaders face reckoning as rare vote looms
The drop in deaths is seen as a promising sign as Israel vaccinates more than 50% of its population.
Covid-19: Israel records no daily deaths for the first time in 10 months
Saturday's front pages focus on former No 10 adviser Dominic Cummings' attack on the prime minister.
The Papers: Cummings' 'war' with PM and 'No masks by summer'
Vaccines are currently unlicensed for the under-16s and it's up to individual doctors to decide.
Two 13-year-old boys desperate to get a vaccine
Two young women who demonstrated after George Floyd's death react to Derek Chauvin's conviction.
George Floyd: Black Lives Matter protesters react to Chauvin conviction
How an Icelandic band and a marriage ceremony made the most of spectacular scenes at Fagradalsfjall.
Iceland volcano eruption: Music video and wedding filmed at Fagradalsfjall
Athletes tell us what it's like training for the world's biggest sporting event during a pandemic.
Tokyo Olympics: The challenges of training in a Covid pandemic
A selection of powerful images taken around the world this week.
from BBC News - Home
Week in pictures: 17 - 23 April 2021
The BBC's Victoria Uwonkunda fled Rwanda in 1994 but it took time to recognise the impact it had on...
Mental health: Trauma, genocide and my invisible illness
The teenage romantic comedy set in a Scottish new town has been an enduring success for 40 years.
Gregory's Girl: 'The affection for it overwhelms me'
After years without polls, the Palestinian political landscape may be about to change dramatically.
Palestinian election: Leaders face reckoning as rare vote looms
Australia resists calls for tougher climate targets
The country remains out of step with other major...
Australia resists calls for tougher climate targets
Scottish election 2021: Is this Scotland’s climate election?
We take a look at one of the big issues...
Scottish election 2021: Is this Scotland’s climate election?
Covid: The man who took pictures of social distancing signs
Photographer Matthew Chattle has collected...
Covid: The man who took pictures of social distancing signs
European Super League: Why were there no teams from Germany?
There's growing interest in the German...
European Super League: Why were there no teams from Germany?
Afghanistan: Have things improved since the Taliban?
With foreign forces due to leave later this year,...
Afghanistan: Have things improved since the Taliban?
Lockdown lip fillers gone wrong: 'My lips went black'
Clinics say more patients are needing help after...
Lockdown lip fillers gone wrong: 'My lips went black'
Shopping in 10 minutes: The new supermarket battleground
A raft of app-based delivery systems now promise...
Shopping in 10 minutes: The new supermarket battleground
The Indonesian island that could host Elon Musk's new SpaceX site
A remote island could host Elon Musk's...
The Indonesian island that could host Elon Musk's new SpaceX site
Oscars 2021: Why the Academy needs to recognise casting directors
Experts in the field explain why their...
Oscars 2021: Why the Academy needs to recognise casting directors
A Model Y made multiple trips on a test track without a human in the driver's seat, engineers found.
Tesla's Autopilot 'tricked' to operate without driver
The country remains out of step with other major nations by refusing to commit to deeper emissions cuts.
Australia resists calls for tougher climate targets
We take a look at one of the big issues of this election – and one of the biggest facing the world.
Scottish election 2021: Is this Scotland’s climate election?
Photographer Matthew Chattle has collected hundreds of images of social distancing floor signs.
Covid: The man who took pictures of social distancing signs
There's growing interest in the German model, where fans hold a controlling stake in the clubs.
European Super League: Why were there no teams from Germany?
With foreign forces due to leave later this year, what progress have Afghans seen in their lives?
Afghanistan: Have things improved since the Taliban?
Clinics say more patients are needing help after going to unaccredited people during lockdown.
Lockdown lip fillers gone wrong: 'My lips went black'
A raft of app-based delivery systems now promise to bring you your groceries almost instantly.
Shopping in 10 minutes: The new supermarket battleground
A remote island could host Elon Musk's new Space X project - but its residents are not impressed.
The Indonesian island that could host Elon Musk's new SpaceX site
Experts in the field explain why their role is crucial and needs recognition at the Oscars.
from BBC...
Oscars 2021: Why the Academy needs to recognise casting directors
"Abhorrent" practices aimed at changing sexual orientation or gender identity could be banned.
What is conversion therapy?
Real-world data found the AZ and Pfizer jabs worked equally well in over-75s and younger people.
One Covid vaccine cuts infection risk in all age groups
A study found no mutations associated with a parent's exposure in the 1986 nuclear accident.
from BBC...
Chernobyl radiation damage 'not passed to children'
Friday's papers report on No 10 sources accusing ex-aide Dominic Cummings of leaking the PM's texts.
The Papers: Cummings accused of leaks and beaming Prince Louis
Climate change: Biden summit to push for 'immediate' action
Forty world leaders will be urged to increase...
Climate change: Biden summit to push for 'immediate' action
Dyson lobbying row: Labour calls for probe into PM texts
The party wants a "thorough investigation"...
Dyson lobbying row: Labour calls for probe into PM texts
Marcus Rashford's budget cookery serves up fish finger sandwich
The footballer and food poverty campaigner...
Marcus Rashford's budget cookery serves up fish finger sandwich
Brit Awards to have live audience as part of Covid event trials
The audience will not have to wear masks...
Brit Awards to have live audience as part of Covid event trials
Met Office and Microsoft to build climate supercomputer
The Met Office will work with Microsoft on a...
Met Office and Microsoft to build climate supercomputer
ASMR: Why is it being used more in the music industry?
Why ASMR is becoming more used within the music...
ASMR: Why is it being used more in the music industry?
Climate Basics: Your carbon footprint explained
BBC Reality Check's Chris Morris explains how changing...
Climate Basics: Your carbon footprint explained
Thousands of black and Asian British Empire troops were not commemorated properly, says a report.
‘Pervasive racism’ blamed for failure to commemorate black and Asian troops
Republican and Democrat senators criticise Apple and Google for alleged anti-competitive behaviour.
Google and Apple attacked on app store 'monopoly'
Failing to act would have "devastating effects" on the future of the Church of England, a report says.
Church shortlists for senior posts 'must include ethnic minorities'
Forty world leaders will be urged to increase their carbon-cutting actions at US virtual summit.
Climate change: Biden summit to push for 'immediate' action
The party wants a "thorough investigation" into Boris Johnson's conduct, amid a row over lobbying.
Dyson lobbying row: Labour calls for probe into PM texts
The footballer and food poverty campaigner is launching a new affordable meals project.
from BBC News...
Marcus Rashford's budget cookery serves up fish finger sandwich
The audience will not have to wear masks or be socially distanced, as part of a government trial.
Brit Awards to have live audience as part of Covid event trials
The Met Office will work with Microsoft on a supercomputer which will help model climate change.
Met Office and Microsoft to build climate supercomputer
Why ASMR is becoming more used within the music industry.
from BBC News - Home
ASMR: Why is it being used more in the music industry?
BBC Reality Check's Chris Morris explains how changing three aspects of how you live can make the biggest...
Climate Basics: Your carbon footprint explained
The country has been far slower than others including the UK and the US to immunise its population.
What's gone wrong with Australia's vaccine rollout?
The Oscar-nominated film tells of a black man forced to relive his killing by a US police officer.
Oscars 2021: Why Two Distant Strangers is 'important and necessary'
A new crop of coffee companies have solutions to cut waste in their industry.
from BBC News - Home...
Could this lidless paper cup cut coffee waste?
The background to the case of sub-postmasters whose convictions were based on evidence from faulty IT.
Post Office scandal: What the Horizon saga is all about
The format might be simple - winning this race is anything but. Big Dog's Backyard Ultra is an unusually...
Big Dog's Backyard Ultra: The toughest, weirdest race you've never heard of
Use our search tool to find out about coronavirus rules and restrictions where you live.
from BBC News...
Lockdown rules: What are the restrictions in your area?
Is the Australia-NZ travel bubble the way ahead?
Is the Australia-NZ travel bubble the way ahead?
Is the Australia-NZ travel bubble the way ahead?
Climate change: Growing doubts over 'chip fat' biofuel
Climate change: Growing doubts over 'chip fat'...
Climate change: Growing doubts over 'chip fat' biofuel
Navalny's supporters fear Russia's Putin wants him dead
Navalny's supporters fear Russia's Putin wants...
Navalny's supporters fear Russia's Putin wants him dead
Derek Chauvin conviction: 'This is monumental. This is historic'
Derek Chauvin conviction: 'This is...
Derek Chauvin conviction: 'This is monumental. This is historic'
The prime minister and businessman sent text messages over plans for ventilators during the pandemic.
Boris Johnson told Sir James Dyson by text he would 'fix' tax issue
Netflix said the pandemic disrupted its production pipeline and has forecast fewer new subscribers.
Netflix: Shares plunge as subscribers switch off
The case is being brought on behalf of millions of children by England's former children's commissioner.
TikTok sued for billions over use of children's data
The winner matched all five numbers and the two Lucky Star numbers, at odds of around 1 in 140 million.
EuroMillions: UK ticket-holder wins £59m jackpot
Activists vow their march for racial justice is only just beginning, but not everyone is on board.
George Floyd: The murder that drove America to the brink
Queen will mark 95th birthday in low-key fashion
The monarch's birthday on Wednesday comes four days...
Queen will mark 95th birthday in low-key fashion
Is the Australia-NZ travel bubble the way ahead?
Australia and New Zealand have quarantine-free travel,...
Is the Australia-NZ travel bubble the way ahead?
Climate change: Growing doubts over 'chip fat' biofuel
A new study questions the sustainability of used...
Climate change: Growing doubts over 'chip fat' biofuel
Navalny's supporters fear Russia's Putin wants him dead
President Putin's leading critic is on hunger...
Navalny's supporters fear Russia's Putin wants him dead
Derek Chauvin conviction: 'This is monumental. This is historic'
The conviction of the police officer...
Derek Chauvin conviction: 'This is monumental. This is historic'
Middle East states dominate list of top executioners in 2020 - Amnesty
Iran, Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia...
Middle East states dominate list of top executioners in 2020 - Amnesty
Newspaper headlines: Super League 'in tatters' and Chauvin found guilty
Wednesday's front pages continue...
Newspaper headlines: Super League 'in tatters' and Chauvin found guilty
The monarch's birthday on Wednesday comes four days after the funeral of her husband, Prince Philip.
Queen will mark 95th birthday in low-key fashion
Australia and New Zealand have quarantine-free travel, but will other countries follow their lead?
Is the Australia-NZ travel bubble the way ahead?
A new study questions the sustainability of used cooking oil imports into Europe to make biodiesel.
Climate change: Growing doubts over 'chip fat' biofuel
President Putin's leading critic is on hunger strike and ahead of planned street protests they warn...
Navalny's supporters fear Russia's Putin wants him dead
The conviction of the police officer for the death of George Floyd has been hailed as a watershed.
Derek Chauvin conviction: 'This is monumental. This is historic'
Iran, Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia follow China in Amnesty's list of who executes the most people.
Middle East states dominate list of top executioners in 2020 - Amnesty
Wednesday's front pages continue to chart the fate of football's "crumbling" European Super League.
Newspaper headlines: Super League 'in tatters' and Chauvin found guilty
Samir Jassal, who has campaigned with the PM, was a contact in a £100m deal for Covid safety gear.
Covid contracts: PPE fixer who was Tory donor named in admin error
Where does President Biden's plan rank among the largest projects in American history?
from BBC News...
All the times the US spent big on infrastructure
Jimmy Carter's running mate lost heavily to Ronald Reagan in the 1984 presidential election.
from BBC...
Former US Vice-President Walter Mondale dies aged 93
The average cost of car insurance has fallen by £87 in 12 months, according to new data.
from BBC News...
Car insurance sees biggest price drop in six years
The YouTuber admitted to messaging with 16-year-old boys earlier this month.
from BBC News - Home
James Charles: YouTube temporarily demonetises beauty influencer
George Floyd death: Three Americans assess Derek Chauvin trial
A retired police veteran, a Minnesota...
George Floyd death: Three Americans assess Derek Chauvin trial
'Russia is heading for a catastrophe'
The BBC's Steve Rosenberg travels 2,000 miles east of Moscow to...
'Russia is heading for a catastrophe'
Newspaper headlines: 'Great game robbery' and 'red card from Wills'
Opposition and anger towards the...
Newspaper headlines: 'Great game robbery' and 'red card from Wills'
How a bicycle tripled one woman's income
"You realise what a bicycle can do. It's a catalyst for unlocking...
How a bicycle tripled one woman's income
Redonda: The Caribbean island transformed into an eco haven
After invasive rats and goats were removed...
Redonda: The Caribbean island transformed into an eco haven
Oscars 2021: 19 geeky facts from Borat to Boseman
Everything you need to know ahead of the 93rd Academy...
Oscars 2021: 19 geeky facts from Borat to Boseman
Could electric tattoos be the next step in body art?
Researchers are experimenting with thin, flexible...
Could electric tattoos be the next step in body art?
Online dating: 'In 2021 everyone is a kind-of catfish'
The hit US reality show is getting its own UK...
Online dating: 'In 2021 everyone is a kind-of catfish'
The Ugandan mum who was once ashamed of her gay son
A support group in Uganda is helping parents come...
The Ugandan mum who was once ashamed of her gay son
A retired police veteran, a Minnesota resident and a black political hopeful share their thoughts.
George Floyd death: Three Americans assess Derek Chauvin trial
The BBC's Steve Rosenberg travels 2,000 miles east of Moscow to gauge the mood of ordinary Russians.
'Russia is heading for a catastrophe'
Opposition and anger towards the European Super League plans dominate Tuesday morning's front pages.
Newspaper headlines: 'Great game robbery' and 'red card from Wills'
"You realise what a bicycle can do. It's a catalyst for unlocking so much potential."
from BBC News...
How a bicycle tripled one woman's income
After invasive rats and goats were removed from Redonda, the island's wildlife has been thriving.
Redonda: The Caribbean island transformed into an eco haven
Everything you need to know ahead of the 93rd Academy Awards on Sunday.
from BBC News - Home
Oscars 2021: 19 geeky facts from Borat to Boseman
Researchers are experimenting with thin, flexible circuits that can be transferred to the skin.
Could electric tattoos be the next step in body art?
The hit US reality show is getting its own UK version - hosted by Julie Adenuga and Oobah Butler.
Online dating: 'In 2021 everyone is a kind-of catfish'
A support group in Uganda is helping parents come to terms with their children's sexuality.
from BBC...
The Ugandan mum who was once ashamed of her gay son
Russia expels Czech diplomats over explosion row
The Czech Republic has accused Russia of being involved...
Russia expels Czech diplomats over explosion row
Big Ask: Children in England asked their hopes for post-Covid future
Millions of children in England...
Big Ask: Children in England asked their hopes for post-Covid future
Priti Patel: Facebook encryption plan ‘must not not hamper child protection’
The Home Secretary will...
Priti Patel: Facebook encryption plan ‘must not not hamper child protection’
Job centre workers 'feel unsafe returning to work'
A union representing job centre staff says three...
Job centre workers 'feel unsafe returning to work'
Australia opens travel bubble with New Zealand
The world's first major travel bubble set up in the Covid...
Australia opens travel bubble with New Zealand
2021 elections: Voters urged to register ahead of polls deadline
Up to 9.4 million people have not yet...
2021 elections: Voters urged to register ahead of polls deadline
Libya: Ten years on the front line
Our correspondent on what it's been like to cover the 10 years since...
Libya: Ten years on the front line
Teenage blacksmith Ben Perkins forges social media following
Ben Perkins built a blacksmith's forge...
Teenage blacksmith Ben Perkins forges social media following
First-time buyers will get cheaper deals if they can stretch to a bigger deposit, analysts say.
Low-deposit mortgage scheme is launched
Some staff who complained of racism within the Church have been paid off to "buy their silence".
Clergy speak out over 'racism in Church of England'
The Czech Republic has accused Russia of being involved in a blast at a munitions factory in 2014.
Russia expels Czech diplomats over explosion row
Millions of children in England will be surveyed in an attempt to tackle "generational problems".
Big Ask: Children in England asked their hopes for post-Covid future
The Home Secretary will deliver a speech critical of Facebook's privacy plan for its apps.
from BBC...
Priti Patel: Facebook encryption plan ‘must not not hamper child protection’
A union representing job centre staff says three in five feel unsafe interacting with the public.
Job centre workers 'feel unsafe returning to work'
The world's first major travel bubble set up in the Covid pandemic allows quarantine-free visits.
Australia opens travel bubble with New Zealand
Up to 9.4 million people have not yet ensured they can cast a ballot in May's elections.
from BBC News...
2021 elections: Voters urged to register ahead of polls deadline
Our correspondent on what it's been like to cover the 10 years since Colonel Gaddafi was deposed and...
Libya: Ten years on the front line
Ben Perkins built a blacksmith's forge in his back garden and taught himself the traditional craft.
Teenage blacksmith Ben Perkins forges social media following
People often feel nervous when they visit a doctor, but what if you are a doctor but your colleagues...
The disabled doctors not believed by their colleagues
Björn Ulvaeus on the Swedish band's song contest win on British soil, and the future of streaming.
Abba: Why the UK gave the Swedish band 'nul points' at Eurovision
Border checks have caused tension in Northern Ireland but were there warnings in the Brexit campaign?
Northern Ireland: Did anyone warn about Brexit border checks?
Surplus vaccine doses are piling up in some countries while others say they are not getting enough.
Covid-19 vaccines: What's happening to unused jabs?
Garrett Bradley may become the first black director to win an Oscar for her first feature documentary.
Time: A love story coloured by incarceration
Nil-by-mouth foodie: The chef who will never eat again
Nil-by-mouth foodie: The chef who will never...
Nil-by-mouth foodie: The chef who will never eat again
The US and China announced actions to tackle climate change following meetings in Shanghai last week.
China and US pledge climate change commitment
PM 'risks losing red wall' over lobbying 'shame'
Senior Tory Sir Bernard Jenkin warns Boris Johnson...
PM 'risks losing red wall' over lobbying 'shame'
Salisbury poisoning agents 'linked to Czech blast'
The Czech Republic has expelled 18 Russian diplomats...
Salisbury poisoning agents 'linked to Czech blast'
Covid: Gig with no social distancing to be part of government pilot
Ticket-holders for the outdoor concert...
Covid: Gig with no social distancing to be part of government pilot
Inside the chemist made entirely out of felt
After wowing art lovers in the US and China, Lucy Sparrow's...
Inside the chemist made entirely out of felt
The Zurich students living cheaply in a luxury hotel
Students in one of the world's most expensive cities...
The Zurich students living cheaply in a luxury hotel
These teenage climate activists are pushing for change in Australia
These teenage climate activists...
These teenage climate activists are pushing for change in Australia
Would universities call parents in a mental health crisis?
Bereaved parents call for universities to...
Would universities call parents in a mental health crisis?
Covid in Brazil: Pandemic meets poverty in growing crisis
The country struggling to contain a Covid-19...
Covid in Brazil: Pandemic meets poverty in growing crisis
Nil-by-mouth foodie: The chef who will never eat again
Loretta Harmes hasn't eaten or tasted food for...
Nil-by-mouth foodie: The chef who will never eat again
How cancer put me off joining Amazon union
Carla Jonson's story helps explain how Amazon won last week's...
How cancer put me off joining Amazon union
Senior Tory Sir Bernard Jenkin warns Boris Johnson about the crisis escalating in Whitehall.
from BBC...
PM 'risks losing red wall' over lobbying 'shame'
The Czech Republic has expelled 18 Russian diplomats in retaliation following the explosion claim.
Salisbury poisoning agents 'linked to Czech blast'
Ticket-holders for the outdoor concert in Liverpool will have to provide proof a negative test.
Covid: Gig with no social distancing to be part of government pilot
After wowing art lovers in the US and China, Lucy Sparrow's latest felt fantasy is her first UK show...
Inside the chemist made entirely out of felt
Students in one of the world's most expensive cities get stunning views of Zurich in a former business...
The Zurich students living cheaply in a luxury hotel
These teenage climate activists are pushing for change in Australia.
from BBC News - Home
These teenage climate activists are pushing for change in Australia
Bereaved parents call for universities to contact students' families to reduce risk of suicides.
Would universities call parents in a mental health crisis?
The country struggling to contain a Covid-19 surge faces a possible explosion of poverty.
from BBC...
Covid in Brazil: Pandemic meets poverty in growing crisis
Loretta Harmes hasn't eaten or tasted food for six years, but she hasn't lost her passion for cooking.
Nil-by-mouth foodie: The chef who will never eat again
Carla Jonson's story helps explain how Amazon won last week's union vote in Alabama.
from BBC News...
How cancer put me off joining Amazon union
Misleading videos were aired on Russian TV claiming to show the arrival of US tanks and planes in Ukraine.
Russia Ukraine conflict: Fact-checking Russian TV's Ukraine claims
Britain's Paul "Semtex" Daley secures his 32nd career knockout after a thrilling back-and-forth battle...
Bellator 257: Watch Britain's Paul Daley in thriller versus Sabah Homasi
Covid-19: Vaccine passports 'unethical', church ministers warn
More than 1,200 ministers have written...
Covid-19: Vaccine passports 'unethical', church ministers warn
On the front line in eastern Ukraine
The BBC's Jonah Fisher reports from the front line between soldiers...
On the front line in eastern Ukraine
Biden backtracks on keeping Trump cap on refugees
A refugee organisation says the White House's explanation...
Biden backtracks on keeping Trump cap on refugees
Facebook board delays decision about Trump's possible return
Facebook's Oversight Board announced it...
Facebook board delays decision about Trump's possible return
Hijab regulations: Two women's experience
Nadya and Emna live 12,000 km away from each other but both...
Hijab regulations: Two women's experience
Week in pictures: 10 - 16 April 2021
A selection of powerful images taken around the world this week.
Week in pictures: 10 - 16 April 2021
Nepal fires: 'We saw huge flames coming towards our garden’
This year’s wildfire season in Nepal has...
Nepal fires: 'We saw huge flames coming towards our garden’
Sputnik V: How Russia's Covid vaccine is dividing Europe
The vaccine has not yet been approved by Europe's...
Sputnik V: How Russia's Covid vaccine is dividing Europe
Cinema and big event organisers targeted by extreme anti-vax activists
Large events are going ahead...
Cinema and big event organisers targeted by extreme anti-vax activists
Pub and shop staff: 'Please be nice to us this weekend'
Newsbeat hears from staff heading back to work...
Pub and shop staff: 'Please be nice to us this weekend'
More than 1,200 ministers have written to the PM warning Covid certificates are a "form of coercion".
Covid-19: Vaccine passports 'unethical', church ministers warn
The BBC's Jonah Fisher reports from the front line between soldiers and separatists.
from BBC News...
On the front line in eastern Ukraine
A refugee organisation says the White House's explanation of the order is "completely false".
Biden backtracks on keeping Trump cap on refugees
Facebook's Oversight Board announced it will instead announce its decision "in the coming weeks".
Facebook board delays decision about Trump's possible return
Nadya and Emna live 12,000 km away from each other but both have been told what they can and can’t wear.
Hijab regulations: Two women's experience
A selection of powerful images taken around the world this week.
from BBC News - Home
Week in pictures: 10 - 16 April 2021
This year’s wildfire season in Nepal has been worse than usual with more fires, burning longer.
Nepal fires: 'We saw huge flames coming towards our garden’
The vaccine has not yet been approved by Europe's medicines agency but orders are piling in.
from BBC...
Sputnik V: How Russia's Covid vaccine is dividing Europe
Large events are going ahead this weekend as part of trials to reopen the economy, but some are receiving...
Cinema and big event organisers targeted by extreme anti-vax activists
Newsbeat hears from staff heading back to work after four months away.
from BBC News - Home
Pub and shop staff: 'Please be nice to us this weekend'
The BBC's Frank Gardner asks the awkward question about a war with an astronomical human cost.
20 years in Afghanistan: Was it worth it?
Business owners tell how their first week of trading has gone after lockdown rules eased in England...
Reopening verdict: 'It was 'buzzing, chaotic and crazy'
Scotland eases rules on travel and meeting up
The Scottish government says the lockdown changes are...
Scotland eases rules on travel and meeting up
Families need cannabis prescriptions support, say MPs and peers
Politicians complain that only three...
Families need cannabis prescriptions support, say MPs and peers
TUI says summer holiday season can be saved
The boss of Europe's biggest holiday company thinks successful...
TUI says summer holiday season can be saved
Colin the Caterpillar cake row: Judge Rinder gives his verdict
Marks & Spencer has begun legal action...